jquery - Download File from Bytes in JavaScript -

i want download file coming in form of bytes ajax response.

i tried way of bolb:

var blob=new blob([resultbyte], {type: "application/pdf"}); var link=document.createelement('a'); link.href=window.url.createobjecturl(blob); link.download="myfilename.pdf"; link.click(); 

it in fact downloading pdf file file corrupted.

how can accomplish this?

i asked question long time age, might wrong in details.

blob turned out needs array buffers. that's why base64 bytes need converted array buffers first.

here function that:

function base64toarraybuffer(base64) {     var binarystring = window.atob(base64);     var binarylen = binarystring.length;     var bytes = new uint8array(binarylen);     (var = 0; < binarylen; i++) {        var ascii = binarystring.charcodeat(i);        bytes[i] = ascii;     }     return bytes;  } 

here function save pdf file:

function savebytearray(reportname, byte) {     var blob = new blob([byte]);     var link = document.createelement('a');     link.href = window.url.createobjecturl(blob);     var filename = reportname + ".pdf";     link.download = filename;     link.click(); }; 

here how use these 2 functions together:

var samplearr = base64toarraybuffer(data); savebytearray("sample report", samplearr); 


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