java - Calling stored procedure with named JDBC parameters raises exception -
package com.brookfieldres.operations; import java.sql.callablestatement; import java.sql.connection; import; import java.sql.drivermanager; import java.sql.resultset; import java.sql.sqlexception; import java.sql.timestamp; import java.util.arraylist; import; import java.util.resourcebundle; import org.apache.log4j.logger; import; public class sqlconnection { private static connection acon = null; private static callablestatement _cs = null; private static string _dbserver = null; private static string _dbusername = null; private static string _dbpassword = null; private static string _dbname = null; private static string _dbinstance = null; private static string _dbwindowsauthentication = null; private static final logger alogger = logger.getlogger(sqlconnection.class.getname()); // static resourcebundle resource = resourcebundle.getbundle("resource"); public sqlconnection() { _dbserver = "localhost"; _dbusername = "newlocationtestuser"; _dbpassword = "testpass123"; _dbname = "newlocationdb"; _dbinstance = "appsql"; _dbwindowsauthentication = "false"; } public connection getconnection() { sqlserverdatasource ds = new sqlserverdatasource(); properties properties = new properties(); try { string dburl = "jdbc:sqlserver://" + _dbserver; if(!_dbinstance.equalsignorecase("")) { dburl += "\\" + _dbinstance; } if(_dbwindowsauthentication.equalsignorecase("true")) { dburl += ";integratedsecurity=true"; } else { properties.put("user", _dbusername); properties.put("password", _dbpassword); } dburl += ";"; properties.put("database", _dbname); acon = drivermanager.getconnection(dburl, properties); system.out.println("1"); } catch (exception e) { alogger.error(e.getmessage()); } { ds = null; }"the sql connection has been established."); return acon; } public int insertlocations(timestamp rundate, string rlpcompanyid, string rlplocationid, string rlpopendate){ int returnval = 0; try{ _cs = getconnection().preparecall("{call icurrentlocations01(?, ?, ?, ?)}"); _cs.settimestamp("rundate", rundate); _cs.setstring("companyid", rlpcompanyid); _cs.setstring("locationid", rlplocationid); _cs.setstring("rlpopendate", rlpopendate ); returnval = _cs.executeupdate(); system.out.println("2"); }catch (sqlexception e){ alogger.error(e.getmessage()); }finally { if (_cs != null){ try{ _cs.close(); }catch(sqlexception e) { alogger.error(e.getmessage()); } } } return returnval; }
so when attempt run harness, connection made. however, when program attempts call stored procedure "icurrentlocations01". returns error message in logs
" 2016-01-27 13:11:17 error sqlconnection:97 - parameter rundate not defined stored procedure icurrentlocations01."
can please explain doing wrong here? program btw taking information ldap directory , inserting local db.
edit - stored procedure:
use [newlocationdb] go /****** object: storedprocedure [dbo].[icurrentlocations01] script date: 01/27/2016 1:27:10 pm ******/ set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go alter procedure [dbo].[icurrentlocations01] @rundate datetime, @companyid varchar, @locationid varchar, @rlpopendate varchar declare @retval int set @retval = 0 insert currentlocations (rundate, companyid, locationid, rlpopendate ) values (@rundate, @companyid, @locationid, @rlpopendate) set @retval = @@error return @retval go
this may not hoping for, work passing parameters stored procedure name, thereby allowing
- specify parameters in arbitrary order in command text, and
- omit parameters have default values.
for stored procedure
create procedure [dbo].[my_sp] @p1 nvarchar(10) = n'hello', @p2 nvarchar(10) = n'world' begin set nocount on; select @p1 + n', ' + @p2 + n'!' response; end
the jdbc call
try (callablestatement s = conn.preparecall("{call my_sp (@p2=?)}")) { s.setstring(1, "gord"); try (resultset rs = s.executequery()) {; system.out.println(rs.getstring("response")); } }
hello, gord!
(tested microsoft jdbc driver 4.1 sql server.)
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