visual studio 2015 - Remove ios, windows8, and wp8 from Xamarin Forms PCL - nuget 3.0 opt-into error? -

i'm working on xamarin forms project. want target android , windows 10 uwp.

when try clean pcl removing "windows 8", "windows phone silverlight 8", "windows phone 8.1", "xamarin.ios", , "xamarin.ios (classic)" pcl targets, following nasty...

i'm trying remove wp8 don't care targeting it.

the project's targets cannot changed. selected targets require project opt-into nuget 3.0 support, however, visual studio cannot automatically you. please uninstall nuget packages , try again.

how project opt-into nuget 3.0? else should try?

environ: xamarin forms, vs2015

enter image description here


the solution worked me:

uninstall xamarin.forms:

right click solution -> manage nuget packages -> uninstall xamarin.forms -> restart vs 

then remove build platforms:

right click solution -> properties -> build -> under targeting select change -> remove platform(s) -> restart vs 

reinstall xamarin.forms:

manage nuget packages -> search xamarin.forms -> install -> restart vs 


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