ios - Upload big video from PhotoLibrary to server -
i have problem uploading big video asset server photolibrary.
i asset data described here, export video local document, , upload.
but when upload big video (2 minutes , 300mb or more in size), method causes crash , got no reason nor any information.
i use webdav
upload files this:
// set credentials nsurlcredential *usercredentials = [nsurlcredential credentialwithuser:username password:password persistence:nsurlcredentialpersistenceforsession]; nsurlprotectionspace *space = [[nsurlprotectionspace alloc] initwithhost:host port:80 protocol:@"http" realm:@" webdav" authenticationmethod:nil]; [[nsurlcredentialstorage sharedcredentialstorage] setcredential:usercredentials forprotectionspace:space]; [space release]; // create request nsmutableurlrequest* request = [nsmutableurlrequest requestwithurl:url]; [request sethttpmethod:@"put"]; [request setvalue:[self mimetypeforfile:self.filepath] forhttpheaderfield:@"content-type"]; nsnumber *contentlength = (nsnumber *) [[[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] attributesofitematpath:self.filepath error:null] objectforkey:nsfilesize]; [request setvalue:[contentlength description] forhttpheaderfield:@"content-length"]; if (self.usestreaming) { if (self.currentfilestream!=nil) { [self.currentfilestream close], self.currentfilestream = nil; } self.currentfilestream = [nsinputstream inputstreamwithfileatpath:self.filepath]; if (currentfilestream!=nil) { [request sethttpbodystream:currentfilestream]; } else { [request sethttpbody:[nsdata datawithcontentsoffile:self.filepath]]; } } else { [request sethttpbody:[nsdata datawithcontentsoffile:self.filepath]]; } nsurlconnection* conn = [[nsurlconnection alloc] initwithrequest:request delegate:self]; if (self.currentconnection!=nil) { self.currentconnection = nil; } self.currentconnection = conn; [conn release]; [self.currentconnection start];
when code reache line:
self.currentfilestream = [nsinputstream inputstreamwithfileatpath:self.filepath]; [request sethttpbodystream:currentfilestream];
[request sethttpbody:[nsdata datawithcontentsoffile:self.filepath]];
it crashed.
do have suggestion?
edit: crash @ sethttpbody:
or sethttpbodystream:
think it's memory leak or something.
edit2: decide compress video, video data current method large(more 300mb), find use uiimagepickercontroller
select same video, 30mb; compress help; i'll try uivideoeditorcontroller
, , post result soon;
completed. solution try compress big video small file;
1.just before, export video asset tmp directory;
2.use uivideoeditorcontroller compress video file;
3.just upload compressed file code post.
that's all.
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