
Showing posts from August, 2014

postgresql - How to specify schema location for changelog tables -

is there way specify schema liquibase creates database changelog tables (databasechangelog , databasechangeloglock)? i'm using postgresql , gradle. defined schema application (e.g. myapplication). when run liquibase update task gradle, application specific tables correctly created inside 'myapplication' schema, liquibase changelog stuff created in 'public' schema. not covered in documentation, available in current versions of liquibase (i'm not sure how far applies) command line arguments --liquibasecatalogname and --liquibaseschemaname using these allow keep "managed schema" , "liquibase schema" separate. for gradle, think specify these in configuration block: liquibase { activities { main { changelogfile 'changelog.groovy' url 'jdbc:h2:db/liquibase_workshop;file_lock=no' username 'sa' password '' changelogparameters([ mytoken: 'myvalue'...

fosuserbundle - Symfony 2.7 / 3 - Doctrine: You have requested a non-existent service "fos_user.doctrine_registry" -

doing composer update today getting following error: [symfony\component\dependencyinjection\exception\servicenotfoundexception] have requested non-existent service "fos_user.doctrine_registry". when composer executing cache:clear --no-warmup command. search found answer related converting doctrine mongodb solutions not working me. using doctrine. i've tried fosuserbundle dev-master, dev-master@dev, 2.0.0-alpha1 , 2.0.0-alpha3. any other suggestions? composer update working fine couple of days ago. issue created here: short term fix (worked me symfony 3.0.* ) : services: fos_user.doctrine_registry: alias: doctrine

How to get API key for getting the email previews using Litmus? -

how api key authentication purposes posting request email previews using litmus? there few different litmus preview apis cater different use cases. we're in process of simplifying this, partly in hope of making experience new api user little more obvious. if reach out we'll direct appropriate api version , how obtain key.

node.js - Partial indexes in mongodb / mongoose -

in sparse index documentation found note mongodb 3.2 partial indexes changed in version 3.2: starting in mongodb 3.2, mongodb provides option create partial indexes. partial indexes offer superset of functionality of sparse indexes. if using mongodb 3.2 or later, partial indexes should preferred on sparse indexes. partial indexes helpfull , want use them in project. possible use them mongoose? in current mongoose version 4.3.7 cannot define partial indexes in scheme, can still use partial indexes of mongodb 3.2. you have create indexes using native driver. // schedulemodel mongoose model schedulemodel.collection.createindex({"type" : 1 } , {background:true , partialfilterexpression : { type :"g" }} , function(err , result){ console.log(err , result); }); after that, every query matches partialfilterexpression indexed.

struts2 - struts 2 jqGrid not getting displayed -

i have read followed example showed in showcase of jqgrid struts2. grid not getting displayed. please me out. below code snippets. when type action name in url, displays me json. when type jsp path in url, not display me jqgrid. when view source of page, creates code jqgrid. jsp file <%@ page language="java" contenttype="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" pageencoding="iso-8859-1"%> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en" ""> <html> <head> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%> <%@taglib prefix="sj" uri="/struts-jquery-tags" %> <%@taglib prefix="sjg" uri="/struts-jquery-grid-tags" %> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>insert title here</title> <sj:head jqueryui="true" ...

java - jbutton not visible at start -

i working on gui sudoku. have app droid (sudokufree) , copy functionality , add 1 small feature (save board in progress, continue, , revert if desired). code has been commented out make more sscce, refer second post if have questions. 2 posts have helped me , borrowed code below them. action listener jbutton array building gui sudoku solver (complete ascii example) my problem jbuttons visible after scolled over. searched previous posts , found references setvisible(true), have done. thank you public class runsudokuninja implements runnable{ @override public void run() { //sudokuengineinterface sudokuengine = new sudokuengine(); sudokuview sudokuview = new sudokuview(); //sudokuview.setsudokuimplementation(sudokuengine); sudokuview.setvisible(true); } public static void main(string[] args) { eventqueue.invokelater(new runsudokuninja()); } } public class sudokuview extends jframe{ //sudokucontroller control...

html - How can I put this option underneath?CSS -

i have select input example jsfiddle code html: <div class="select-style3"> <select name="mailing_state" id="state" class=" select-full required-input copy-data"> <option value="">select</option> <option value="al">alabama</option> <option value="ak">alaska</option> <option value="az">arizona</option> <option value="ar">arkansas</option> <option value="ca">california</option> <option value="co">colorado</option> <option value="ct">connecticut</option> <option value="de">delaware</option> <option value="dc">district of columbia</option> <option value="fl">f...

sql - Difficulty to understand SQLite exists and its subquery -

assume there 1 table called temp, schema , data listed blow table temp : a b ---- ---- 1 1 # row 1 1 5 # row 2 2 2 # row 3 sqlite query : 1) delete temp exists (select 1 temp il2 temp.a = il2.a , temp.b = 1 , il2.b = 5) 2) delete temp exists (select 1 temp il2 temp.a = il2.a , temp.b = 5 , il2.b = 1) question 1) meaning of "temp.a = il2.a"? il2 alias of temp, compares itself? lost here. question 2) query 1 , 2 deletes row 1 , 2 experiment, respectively. seems me return value of sub-query "(select 1 temp il2 temp.a = il2.a , temp.b = 5 , il2.b = 1)" controlled value of "il2.b". thought sub-query return both row 2 , row 3. the delete statements record same a, other b (1 vs. 5) in same table. in order table alias (il2) needed able distinguish between 1 record , other. queries little obfuscated, though. criteria hidden in subquery not belongs. better be: delete te...

Debugging a gem in ruby -

i have gem, nanoc, i'd debug. its command line, nanoc executes following script (in /.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin) #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # file generated rubygems. # # application 'nanoc' installed part of gem, , # file here facilitate running it. # require 'rubygems' version = ">= 0" if argv.first str = argv.first str = str.dup.force_encoding("binary") if str.respond_to? :force_encoding if str =~ /\a_(.*)_\z/ version = $1 argv.shift end end gem 'nanoc', version load gem.bin_path('nanoc', 'nanoc', version) which loads @ last line resolved (/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/nanoc-3.6.2/bin) #!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 # try loading bundler if it's possible begin require 'bundler/setup' rescue loaderror # no problem end # add lib load path $load_path.unshift(file.expand_path(file.dirname(__file__) + '/../lib')) # load nanoc require 'nanoc' requir...

Are there two ways to jump to a fragment identifier in HTML? -

i thought standard way specify fragment identifier <a name="foo"></a> . <a href="#foo">go foo</a> <a name="foo"></a> <!-- obsolete method, seems --> <p>some content under anchor name</p> but seems old way, , new way using id , this: <a href="#bar">go bar</a> <p id="bar">some content under p id</p> in fact, w3c validator says name obsolete <a> element. there 2 ways jump fragment identifier 1 of them obsolete? (and when did happen?) (there other questions difference between id , name , 1 fragment identifier) so there 2 ways jump fragment identifier 1 of them obsolete? there 2 ways identify fragment. (there 2 ways jump one, since can url or write pile of javascript scroll page). and when did happen? id introduced in 1996 when html 4 came out. obsoleted name attribute anchors. name mad...

Keep last inserted record in the input field using php -

i want keep last inserted record in same input field after pressing submit button. how can retrive last record database? i not keep record in same input field after refresh page. <?php include 'db.php'; $qq=mysqli_query($connect,"select * tbl_route"); ?> route: <select name="route" id="route"> <option value="" disabled selected> : : select : : </option> <?php $n=1; while($a=mysqli_fetch_array($qq)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $a['r_id']; ?>"><?php echo $a['route1']; ?></option> <?php $n++; } ?> </select> driver: <input type="text" name="driver" id="driver" value="<?php isset($_post['driver']) echo $_post['driver']; ?>"> insertion coding <?php if(isset($_post['submit'])) { session_start();...

reactjs - Async flux store operations -

i using flux library provide dispatcher , stores. however, using google's lovefield means of being in memory bank. the problem lovefield's apis entirely async, therefore can not emit changes or perform waitfor. any suggestions better design pattern?

c# - how to prevent two similar charactors occur together anywhere in a string -

i want prevent 2 similar characters example "@" occur anywhere in string. how can .this string: static string email = ""; in case of answer of moo-juice, can use linq in counof extension method: public static class extensions { public static int countof(this string data, char c) { return string.isnullorempty(data) ? 0 : data.count(chk => chk == c); } }

payment - Auth0 app_meta to store Confidential Information? -

i want store linux time stamp determines subscription done user changes when user pays it. i'm using auth0 , app_meta safe store such data? perhaps consider using user_profile store. auth0 intends used supplement each user, storing relevant them (in case, subscription information) recommended. and yes, data safe. auth0 recently completed our soc2 audit , can read more how protect customer data on our website .

python - Possible to use websockets on a shared hosting web server? -

i use php, js, html, css. i'm willing learn ruby or python if best option. my next project involve live data being fed users server , vice versa. have shell access on shared server, i'm not sure access ports. possible use websockets or other efficient server-client connection on shared hosting account, , if so, need do? for having best performance , full control of setup need "your own" server. today there huge amount of virtual server providers means full control on ip physical server still shared between many clients, meaning cheaper prices , more flexibility. i recommend utilizing free tier program @ amazon ec2 , can resign after free period. , have many geographical locations choose from. another provider in europe have been satisfied tilaa you can find many more alternatives suits needs on webhosting talk forum

c# - Optional extern interface implementation in dll -

i creating integration library accept various implementations of interfaces make run. i have setup: library interface imodule { void init(); } interface iexample : imodule { void dosomething(); } class core { iexample example {get; private set;} } core class looking each property of type imodule , each of type, based on external configuration assigns instance object implements interface of property type. then have module meets requirements of core. class myexamplemodule : iexample { public void init() { } public void dosomething() { } public void examplefeature1() { } public void examplefeature2() { } } i want close module myexamplemodule in .dll, , want run in environment w/o core , it's iexample , imodule interfaces. (i want 1 .dll, not 2 environments w/ , w/o interfaces). is there way achieve in c#? if not (just curiosity reasons) there language in it's possible? no, can't. clr needs assembly interfaces because...

cordova - How to use in Android via phonegap -

how implement in android via phonegap,i have found plugins,i can't install anyone,it shows no plugin found:- any help? thanks finally created own custom plugin communicating both javascript , android code. now it's working me.

delphi xe8 - firemonkey add item to HorzScrollBox on the fly -

i have horizontal scroll box item on form.after run program json string include list of items must in horizontal scroll box .and must add them dynamically. for example have : after run program in ? area must a new image. i found function : horzscrollbox1.addobject(); argument required this i have 2 question: 1)how can add new object this? 2)can clone existing image , add @ end of list? add object: there 2 ways - set parent property of children or execute addobject method of parent. parent property setter has checks, , call addobject . depending on control class, child object can added controls collection of control or content private field. not classes provide access field (in cases can use workaround, in question ). horzscrollbox has field in public section. so, if want clone existing image, must: get existing image content of horzscrollbox create new image , set properties put new image horzscrollbox. for example: procedure tform2.btnaddimgc...

excel - Data validation based off a table -

i trying automate data entry process takes place in excel (mac 2016) basically want create bunch of dropdown in sheets people don't have type everything. the issue there huge table data this: region state district city a1 1 dis1 ci1 a1 1 dis1 ci2 a1 1 dis2 ci3 a1 2 dis3 ci4 a1 2 dis4 ci5 a2 3 dis4 ci6 so in new sheet: if select region "a1" (cell a2), need cell b2 dropdown "1","2" , district , city. i know standard method multiple tables vertical list of option , using "data validation" , "indirect", don't know how go this. thanks in advance

Validating an input with a function in Python -

i'm new python , i'm messing around. i'm trying put function validates user input (in case, check wether user writes either james or peter. newbie question, wondering if code way accomplish function. help. namelist = "peter", "james" def nameinput(): global name name = raw_input("write name. ") def checkname(x): while name not in namelist: print "try again" nameinput() else: print "good,", name checkname(nameinput()) if name == "peter": print "this text peter" elif name == "james": print "this text james" no; there no reason use global variables here. pass data around functions need it. def nameinput(): return raw_input("write name. ") def checkname(name): namelist = ["peter", "james"] while name not in namelist: print "try again" name = nameinput()...

bdd - Need help in overcoming the incompatibility of a certain behat dependencies set with a PHP 5.3 -

i having behat configuration specific dependencies set worked php 5.5. later i've had transfer configuration server jenkins. trouble server has php 5.3 installed no possibility updated. despite dependencies refused installed via composer in normal way, i've forced them installed anyway using "--ignore-platform-reqs" parameter. having installed dependencies, i've faced issue not had overcome easily. displays error while attempting execute "bin/behat" command: php parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in .../workspace/automated-tests/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/functions.php on line 77 php stack trace: php 1. {main}() .../workspace/automated-tests/vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat:0 php 2. includeifexists() .../workspace/automated-tests/vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat:21 php 3. include() .../automated-tests/vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat:17 php 4. composerautoloaderinit617eef80953ba1e8b93feeaeccb52bc0::getloader() .../workspace/automat...

ssis - Run SQL Server 2008 R2 DTSX on SQL Server 2012/2014 -

i have dtsx file created sql server 2008 r2 (package saved import/export tool on sql managemente studio); run on sql server 2012/2014? solved...i've tested sql server 2014 standard edition , runs dts file (with "execute package utility") correctly.

c# - MVC Combine data from two different tables into one view -

lately have been trying mvc. finished mvc tutorial on website of microsoft. trying figure out how should apply following database design in model class (c#) code of application working on, experiencing trouble. i want know how can add productcategory model: my model class: namespace myprojectname.models { public class shoppingcartitems { public virtual int id { get; set; } [required] [display(name="product name")] public virtual string productname { get; set; } //[display(name="category")] //public virtual int categoryname { get; set; } [display(name="date")] public virtual datetime dateadded { get; set; } [required] [datatype(datatype.currency)] public virtual decimal productprice { get; set; } public virtual int amountavailable { get; set; } } } shoppingcartitems should displays entries of products table. far know should possi...

java - Best way to make many generic objects -

background for class, made linear-chaining hash table. stores array of linked lists, , whenever or put called, key hashed , modulo'd array size. or put called on resulting linked list (which implemented). i have st (symbol table) interface. map , of map 's required operations confusing me implement. implementing interface have implementations of linked list, red-black tree, linear-probing hash table, , linear-chaining hash table. i make similar linear-chaining hash table accepts arbitrary delegate symbol table type. example, initializing red-black tree type make table of red-black trees, , , put functions delegate red-black trees. i recognize implementations slower library-provided ones, , better off use in real code. trying experiment , learn. question what best way supply type hash table hash table consist of table of type, , calls delegate symbol tables? i can't use generics because can't initialize those, , need initialize on construction , on re-...

php - Having http error 500 in checkout success page of opencart -

i having http server error 500 in checkout/success page of opencart website. trying incorporate customised shipping integration code in controller file checkout/success.php in need save couple of xml files on server after order placed successfully. is there settings in opencart prevents opencart work xml? i not able find because no error except 500. using opencart version. i need resolve issue soon. appreciated. thanks, matt right here. first thing when debugging 500 server errors in opencart look server's error log , find exact error message . if there aren't any, may need enable them explicitly adjusting error_reporting , display_errors , log_errors settings in php configuration. can temporarily change them in main index.php file directly. once know exact error message, fixing simple process. we've covered of common opencart error messages causing 500 server errors in our blog post: server errors , blank pages in opencart: common causes...

c# - Where to define the menu items event handler -

i have datagridview on winform. when user right-click on grid, showing popup menu. there 3 kinds of popup menu according right-click has been done: on row defined readonly on row can edited on other place in grid (rowindex -1) i created new classes manage popup menus generation. public class gridpopupmenufactory { public contextmenu getmenu(int rowindex, bool isreadonlyrow) { basemenu _menu = null; switch (rowindex) { case -1: _menu = new generalmenu(); break; default: if (isreadonlyrow) { _menu = new readonlyrowmenu(); } else { _menu = new editablerowmenu(); } break; } return; } } public abstract class basemenu { protected contextmenu _menu; public contextmenu menu { { ...

amazon web services - How to check Disk information of EBS volume -

i wanted compare disk performance of aws ebs other system, can me find out count of cylinders , head of harddisk. i tried following , not working. sudo hdparm -i /dev/xvda1 /dev/xvda1: hdio_drive_cmd(identify) failed: invalid argument sudo fdisk -l should trick

android - Convert JSON array to Java Class Object List -

i have json string comes wfc service. when try convert json array list object, i've got following error : ".jsonmappingexception: can not deserialize instance of java.util.arraylist out of start_object token @ [source:; line: 1, column: 1]" the java class (card class): public class card { public string id; public string companyid; public string companyname; public string fiscalcode; public string limit; public string stateid; public string cardstate; public string deleted; public string sold; public string startdate; public string invoicestartdate; public string quantity; public string value; public string cardtypeid; public string cardtype; public string soldchanged; public string drivername; public string vehicleplatenumber; public string vehicleid; public string discount; public string contractid; public string discountpermonth; public str...

nio - can any process read the target file when my java process renaming the source file -

our portal website read json file display information. json file generated jobs wrote java. i concerned if java progress write json directly, website process may incomplete file because java process writing file. so decide write information temp file, after temp file ok, rename target file, website process complete json file. but still concerned when renaming file, can process read intermediate status of target file. actually, don't know how java implements rename action. my code below: path source = filesystems.getdefault().getpath("/data/temp/temp.7z.bak"); files.move(source, source.resolvesibling("/data/temp/temp.7z"), standardcopyoption.replace_existing); you may want use atomic_move option in method call : files.move(source, source.resolvesibling("/data/temp/temp.7z"), standardcopyoption.atomic_move)); indeed , documentation states that atomic_move the move performed atomic file system operation , other ...

How JQuery selectors work -

this question has answer here: how can learn how jquery selectors work behind scenes? 5 answers i new jquery. learned jquery selector, used selecting dom elements. dont understand how internally finds dom element. if give $("#pelement") or $(".pclass") how jquery finds dom element ? use document.getelementbyid() or ? please me understand. lot. it's library, yes, if id you're looking for, uses document.getelementbyid() if queryselector() available in browser, uses that, otherwise uses getelementsbyclassname() classes. in other words takes ever available in browser , uses efficient one, , abstracts can use css selectors in code without having think stuff browser supports, , method use etc.

jsf - passing string paramater using p:commandButton -

i want send 2 parameters using notificationupdate function. able pass when trying send status string,its getting passed null. <p:commandlink value="views" action="#{statusbean.update(p.statusid)}" ajax="true" style="text-decoration:none;color:white;" update=":statusblock" > <f:actionlistener binding="#{notificationbean.notificationupdate(,status)}" /> </p:commandlink> if meaning want send "status" string value, try send following: <f:actionlistener binding="#{notificationbean.notificationupdate(,'status')}" />

objective c - how could i combine NSString with NSArray -

i have nsstring*url ,and want combine nsarray of number load picture ,i struggle many days still doesn't work know how it p.s want replace nsstring %@ number of array this nsstring *url = and number nsarray : ( 42, 47, 56, 65, 97, 128, 277, 278, 312, 313, 518, 522, 523, 526 ), ( 42, 89, 522 ), ( 89, 312, 313 ), ( 89, 522 ), ( 91, 317 ), ( 98 ), ( 317, 518, 523, 525, 526 ), ( 329 ), ( 332 ) you can reach numbers 2 loops: for(nsarray *numbers in yourmainarray) { for(nsnumber *n in numbers) { nsstring *urlstring = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"", [n intvalue]]; } } or more general solution nsstring , nsnumber for(nsarray *numbers in yourmainarray) ...

angularjs - send json data to struts using angular js -

i receiving data null in struts2 action class. following code written on jsp page.sending linedetails struts2 action class. var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ngroute']); app.controller('mycontroller', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) { var linedetails = {lineid:0}; var data=angular.tojson(linedetails); $"actionclassname",data, {headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'} }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) { }).error(function(data, status, headers, config) { alert( "failure message: " ); }); }]); in action class in accessing data variable printing null gson gs=new gsonbuilder().serializenulls().create(); system.out.println("data is:"+data);

java - Serving static Resource with spring boot + spring security -

i work on angularjs application , try serve static resource (my front end) spring boot. i used gulp build project , distribution structure: here content of hash folder my spring security config this: @override protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception { http .exceptionhandling() .authenticationentrypoint(myentrypoint()); http .authorizerequests() .antmatchers("/__hash__/**").permitall() .antmatchers("/views/**").permitall() .antmatchers("/index.html").permitall() .antmatchers("/api/**").authenticated() .antmatchers("/**").permitall(); http // login configuration .addfilterafter(springsecurityfilter(), basicauthenticationfilter.class); /*http .authorizerequests() .anyrequest().authenticated();*/ http //logout configuration .logout...

html - How do i have side elements stretch to fill remaining screen space outside of the container? -

this how it's supposed like: the logic of have red element on left stretch fill remaining space besides contained, grey on right. using bootstrap elements in center occupy 1170px, or 1140px, if exclude paddings. tried adding before , after children first , last elements , used absolute positioning trying stretch them way margins of screen. no reliable method of calculating length comes mind, , can't use overflow because main element contains dropdowns. do? this html: <div class="body-width-container"> <div class="container"> <div class="battery-finder battery-finder--inactive"> <div class="battery-finder__label"> alege bateria </div> <div class="battery-finder__icon"> <i class="icon icon-battery"></i> <div class="battery-finder__icon::after"></div> ...

node.js - npm install lead to gyp ERR! build error (node-java) -

i have project nodejs & java code , project working fine on mac but when trying install project on windows7 64 bit following error : gyp err! build error gyp err! stack error: `c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\12.0\bin\msbuild.exe` fail ed exit code: 1 gyp err! stack @ childprocess.onexit (c:\program files\nodejs\node_modules\ npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\build.js:269:23) gyp err! stack @ childprocess.emit (events.js:110:17) gyp err! stack @ process.childprocess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1074 :12) gyp err! system windows_nt 6.1.7601 gyp err! command "node" "c:\\program files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modu les\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" gyp err! cwd c:\users\hdaghash\documents\qosadministration\node_modules\java gyp err! node -v v0.12.7 gyp err! node-gyp -v v2.0.1 gyp err! not ok npm err! windows_nt 6.1.7601 npm err! argv "c:\\program files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "c:\\program files\\nodejs \\no...

android - Unable to write the parameters to url using HttpURLConnection -

i'm trying post http url parameters. i've appended parameters using appendqueryprameters statements after build() skipped , control comes out of asynctask .below th snippet of asynctask private class myasynctask extends asynctask<string, integer, string> { @override protected string doinbackground(string... params) { // todo auto-generated method stub string givendob = params[0]; string givensurname = params[1]; string givencaptcha = params[2]; string response = ""; try { uri.builder builder = new uri.builder() .appendqueryparameter("dateofbirth", givendob) .appendqueryparameter("usernamedetails.surname", givensurname) .appendqueryparameter("captchacode", givencaptcha); string query =; print...

Is there a git option to force the usage of -- (dash dash) for file paths? -

there important distinction between git checkout git checkout -- the first 1 try switch branches, latter discard changes in file called something destructive operation. when there no branch called something first command resort behaviour of second. can disable behaviour?

javascript - How to display an action list on hover using bootstrap? -

i have html page this , when hover volume button located on right, div box contains upload , delete function should displayed beside volume icon. expect when hover volume icon, upload, delete , volume icon should displayed in same line, picture below , grey panel not overflowed out of box. does have idea how set again stylesheet show situation ? make .prompt-audio-control display inline-block when view on hover , not inline in order fit next each other: .prompt-audio:hover .prompt-audio-control { display: inline-block; } updated fiddle:

php - not getting image file ,getting only name of file -

i uploading images /files on upload multiple image shows image name not mime type using java script <input type='file' name='data[expensedetail][description]["+i+"][expense_file][]' id='expense_file"+i+"' style='display: none' multiple='true'> where 'i' value of array coming in loop = 0,1,2,3 ... works fine , getting result on post [images details][1] [1]: , using $finfo = finfo_open(fileinfo_mime_type); echo finfo_file($finfo, $file); //$file file name coming in above image in array echo $file; failed open stream: no such file or directory sounds me you're missing enctype="multipart/form-data" in form element - without server process file input text field , receive filename.

html5 mp4 video not playing -

this code : <video width="400" controls > <source src="~/content/videos/light yagami's lesson on swimming.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> but video not playing in browsers. : @ picture enter image description here in folder video exist , playes expected, it's mp4 format. why happening? ~ not valid path character. src should contain valid url . should give correct path. also, you're file path contain spaces not allowed. should encode it. so filename in path be: light%20yagami's%20lesson%20on%20swimming.mp4

java - Referencing a contentPane in an actionPerformed method -

i'm creating load button , want populate 9x9 gridlayout content pane nested inside center panel of border layout (main window). method located inside page_start section of border layout. question how can place buttons in grid layout of center section here? //load button jbutton load = new jbutton("load"); load.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() { @override public void actionperformed (actionevent a) { //dialog box locate puzzle sudokupuzzle puzzle; jfilechooser chooser = new jfilechooser(); filenameextensionfilter filter = new filenameextensionfilter( "text files", "txt"); chooser.setfilefilter(filter); int returnval = chooser.showopendialog(sudukogui.this); if(returnval == jfilechooser.approve_option) { string filelocation = chooser.getselectedfile().getname();...

c# - ASP.NET MVC Error while downloading large file at Response.Flush() -

i use mvc 5. have function called download() in controller give user request files. have zip files in directory , deliver 1 zip file. these files big (e.g, need support ~100 gb download) here attempt make function work public actionresult download() { var filename = path.getrandomfilename() + ".zip"; using (var zip = new zipfile(filename)) { zip.compressionlevel = compressionlevel.bestcompression; zip.usezip64whensaving = zip64option.always; zip.adddirectory(server.mappath(directory)); var output = new memorystream(); //; response.addheader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + filename); response.buffer = true; response.bufferoutput = true;; response.flush();, seekorigin.begin); return file(o...

Android TV, intercepting Dropbox SDK calls to redirect to WebView -

i developing android tv version of app dropbox connectivity. since many android tv devices don't have browsers, want intercept login intent , show login + scope permissions grant pages in webview. i modified manifest, intent doesn't open activity anyway. suggestions? here's manifest: <activity android:name=".activitywebview"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.view"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.default" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.browsable" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.app_browser" /> <data android:scheme="" android:host=""/> <data android:scheme="http" android:host=""/> <data android:scheme="https" android:host=""/> ...

c++ - shared_ptr : std::get_deleter does not work -

i have weird beahviour happening when trying deleter of shared pointer. here problematic bit of code: shared_ptr<idecklinkvideoframe> videoframe = decklinkdevice_->getvideoframe(decklinkfourcc_); if(std::get_deleter<comobjectdeleter<idecklinkvideoframe>>(videoframe)) { // never gets here } i never inside if because get_deleter() returns null . inside function getvideoframe() create shared_ptr deleter follow: shared_ptr<idecklinkvideoframe> decklinkdevice::getvideoframe(fourcc framefourcc) { bmdpixelformat pixelformat = fourcctobmdpixelformat(framefourcc); shared_ptr<idecklinkvideoframe> frame; idecklinkmutablevideoframe* videoframe = null; long rowbytes = 0; bmdframeflags flags = 0; switch (pixelformat) { case bmdformat8bitbgra: rowbytes = outputmode_->width_ * 4; flags = bmdframeflagflipvertical; break; case bmdformat8bityuv: rowbytes = outputmode_->width_ * 2; flags = bmdframeflagdefault; break; default:...

javascript - Get the hidden div element html content with the style -

i have hidden div , trying div styles. when append div below code getting appended out styles. please suggest other way. var warningmessage = $('#warningdiv').html() function postsettings() { var frm_data = $("#myform").serialize(); $.ajax( { type: "post", url: "path", data: frm_data, success: function (successdata) { var warningmessage = $('#warningdiv').html(); **$(warningmessage).insertafter("#mydiv"); // not showing warning message css styles .** }, }); } this gives html without style, want styles , need append div dynamically. div: <div class="note note-warning" id="warningdiv" style="display:none"> <div class="block-warning"> <h4 class="block"> <i class="demo-icon icon-attention-1 fa"></i> w...

ios - How can I set UINavigationController 's delegate in storyboard -

in home view controler can solve problem override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() self.navigationcontroller?.delegate = self } but want set uinavigationcontroller 's delegate in storyboard (don't want write code) , i'm unable that. knows trick or solution? it better if take uinavigationcontroller class , set in storyboard , set delegate . can override navigation controller delegate functions in 1 class only.

apache spark - Is MEMORY_AND_DISK always better that DISK_ONLY when persisting an RDD to disk? -

using apache spark why choose persist rdd using storage level disk_only rather using memory_and_disk or memory_and_disk_ser ? is there use-case using disk_only give better performance memory_and_disk or memory_and_disk_ser. simple example - may have 1 relatively great rdd rdd1 , 1 smalled rdd rdd2. want store both of them. if apply persist memory_and_disk on both, both of them spilled disk resulting in slower reaed. but may take different approach - may store rdd1 disk_only. may happen move can store rdd2 right in memory cache() option , able read faster.

objective c - Selector don't getting notification from NSNotificationCenter (iOS) -

i sending notification class inherits nsobject using nsnotificationcenter. the notification should sent 2 viewcontroller it's being sent 1 of them. my code: fetchfromparse : -(void)sendallstores { [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]postnotificationname:@"getstoresarrays" object:nil userinfo:self.storesdict]; } firstvc.m (working): - (void)viewdidload { [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]addobserver:self selector:@selector(getstoresarrays:) name:@"getstoresarrays" object:nil]; } -(void)getstoresarrays:(nsnotification*)notification { nslog(@“working”); //working } secondvc.m (not working): -(void)preparearrays { [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter]addobserver:self selector:@selector(getstoresarrays:) name:@"getstoresarrays" object:nil]; } -(void)getstoresarrays:(nsnotification*)notification { nslog(@“not working”); //not working } appdelegate.m : - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfi...

python - Context Processor for specific app only -

'context_processors': [ ... ... "publicfront.views.context_processors.add_event_url" ], i added context processor in , want use specific app. how achieve this? the context processor run requests. if need mimic functionality speak about, add if/else conditions in context processor function, gets request object first argument, may determine app running , populate returned dict accordingly