c# - How to change xsd:date format in svcutil.exe generated classes -

i generated c# classes .wsdl file , works. have following issue. service formats xsd:date types in response incorrect. example:

<date xsi:type="xsd:date">2016-01-27 14:20:30</date> 

but should 1 of these:

<date xsi:type="xsd:date">2016-01-27</date>   <date xsi:type="xsd:datetime">2016-01-27t14:20:30</date> 

and because of exception

unhandled exception: system.servicemodel.communicationexception: error in deserializing body of reply message operation 'createvacature'. ---> system.invalidoperationexception: there error in xml document (2, 646). ---> system.formatexception: string not recognized valid datetime.

how can override date parsing? or other way fix it? implementing manually without svcutil.exe overkill.

here solution. intercept service response before parsing , manually edit it.

here date fixing functionality:

public class messagedatefixer : iclientmessageinspector {     public object beforesendrequest(ref message request, iclientchannel channel)     {         return null;     }      public void afterreceivereply(ref message reply, object correlationstate)     {         xmldocument document = new xmldocument();         memorystream memorystream = new memorystream();         xmlwriter xmlwriter = xmlwriter.create(memorystream);         reply.writemessage(xmlwriter);         xmlwriter.flush();         memorystream.position = 0;         document.load(memorystream);          fixmessage(document);          memorystream.setlength(0);         xmlwriter = xmlwriter.create(memorystream);         document.writeto(xmlwriter);         xmlwriter.flush();         memorystream.position = 0;         xmlreader xmlreader = xmlreader.create(memorystream);         reply = message.createmessage(xmlreader, int.maxvalue, reply.version);     }      private static void fixmessage(xmldocument document)     {         fixallnodes(document.childnodes);     }      private static void fixallnodes(xmlnodelist list)     {         foreach (xmlnode node in list)         {             fixnode(node);         }     }      private static void fixnode(xmlnode node)     {         if (node.attributes != null &&             node.attributes["xsi:type"] != null)         {             if (node.attributes["xsi:type"].value == "xsd:date")             {                 node.attributes["xsi:type"].value = "xsd:datetime";                 node.innerxml = node.innerxml.replace(" ", "t");             }         }          fixallnodes(node.childnodes);     } } 

here auxiliary class:

public class datefixerbehavior : iendpointbehavior {     public void applyclientbehavior(serviceendpoint endpoint, clientruntime clientruntime)     {         clientruntime.messageinspectors.add(new messagedatefixer());     }      public void validate(serviceendpoint endpoint)     {      }      public void addbindingparameters(serviceendpoint endpoint, bindingparametercollection bindingparameters)     {      }      public void applydispatchbehavior(serviceendpoint endpoint, endpointdispatcher endpointdispatcher)     {      } } 

here usage:

postertoolclient poster = new postertoolclient(); poster.endpoint.behaviors.add(new datefixerbehavior()); 


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