iphone - UITableViewHeaderFooterView: Unable to change background color -

i'm trying change background color of uitableviewheaderfooterview. although view appearing, background color remains default color. i'm getting log xcode saying:

setting background color on uitableviewheaderfooterview has been deprecated. please use contentview.backgroundcolor instead.

however, none of following options work:

mytableviewheaderfooterview.contentview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor blackcolor]; mytableviewheaderfooterview.backgroundview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor blackcolor]; mytableviewheaderfooterview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor blackcolor]; 

i've tried changing background color of view in xib file.

any suggestions? thanks.

you should either use mytableviewheaderfooterview.tintcolor, or assign custom background view mytableviewheaderfooterview.backgroundview.


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