Facebook PHP SDK send apprequests -
i'm using facebook php sdk , i'm trying send apprequests.
this code :
$fb = new facebook([ 'app_id' => 'app_id', 'app_secret' => 'secret', 'default_graph_version' => 'v2.5', ]); $oauth2client = $fb->getoauth2client(); $longlivedaccesstoken = $oauth2client->getlonglivedaccesstoken($request->get('token')); $fb->setdefaultaccesstoken($longlivedaccesstoken); $request = $fb->request('post', '/me/apprequests', array ('message' => 'this test message','to' => '10156388930270332')); //10156388930270332 facebook id // send request graph try { $response = $fb->getclient()->sendrequest($request); } catch(facebook\exceptions\facebookresponseexception $e) { // when graph returns error echo 'graph returned error: ' . $e->getmessage(); exit; } catch(facebook\exceptions\facebooksdkexception $e) { // when validation fails or other local issues echo 'facebook sdk returned error: ' . $e->getmessage(); exit; }
with code, have no error. if check $response
, have statut 200 (ok), can see message, to
parameter don't notification on account...
what missed ?
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