delphi xe8 - firemonkey add item to HorzScrollBox on the fly -

i have horizontal scroll box item on form.after run program json string include list of items must in horizontal scroll box .and must add them dynamically.

for example have : enter image description here after run program in ? area must a new image.

i found function : horzscrollbox1.addobject(); argument required this

i have 2 question:

1)how can add new object this?

2)can clone existing image , add @ end of list?

add object: there 2 ways - set parent property of children or execute addobject method of parent. parent property setter has checks, , call addobject. depending on control class, child object can added controls collection of control or content private field. not classes provide access field (in cases can use workaround, in question). horzscrollbox has field in public section.

so, if want clone existing image, must:

  1. get existing image content of horzscrollbox

  2. create new image , set properties

  3. put new image horzscrollbox.

for example:

procedure tform2.btnaddimgclick(sender: tobject);   function findlastimg: timage;   var     i: integer;     tmpimage: timage;   begin     result:=nil;     // search scroll box content "most right" image     := 0 horzscrollbox1.content.controlscount-1       if horzscrollbox1.content.controls[i] timage         begin           tmpimage:=timage(horzscrollbox1.content.controls[i]);           if not assigned(result) or (result.boundsrect.right < tmpimage.boundsrect.right)             result:=tmpimage;         end;   end;    function cloneimage(sourceimage: timage): timage;   var     newrect: trectf;   begin     result:=timage.create(sourceimage.owner);     result.parent:=sourceimage.parent;      // copy needed properties. assign not work timage...     result.align:=sourceimage.align;     result.opacity:=sourceimage.opacity;     result.multiresbitmap.assign(sourceimage.multiresbitmap);      // move new image     newrect:= sourceimage.boundsrect;     newrect.offset(newrect.width, 0); // move rect right.     result.boundsrect:=newrect;   end; begin   cloneimage(findlastimg); end; 


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