- how to get link to open new tab in browser? -
i have save button saves information user enters form database. once done, want new tab automatically open.
so code checks if save successful want new tab open.
if (newquoteid != -1) { response.redirect("printouts/dsvquotation.aspx?quoteid=" + newquoteid.tostring(), false); }
code save button:
<asp:linkbutton runat="server" id="btnsave" cssclass="btnsavelarge loading" onclientclick="return checknoofdetails()" tooltip="save quote" onclick="btnsave_click" text="save" />
this code opens link on same tab. how link open on new tab in browser? see lot of examples setting onclientclick this: onclientclick=" ='_blank';"
calling method in onclientclick
try this:
but question duplicated, here full answer
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