javascript - Node JS - Adding More pages(ejs templates) using routers -

i'm new node/ejs. need clarification on creating new routes. can integrate static html files using ejs template system in node js. routing(inserting templates using route) inside body section cannot achieved me.

my code : views/index.ejs

<!doctype html> <html lang="en">   <head>     <% include ./templates/head.ejs %>  </head>   <body class="skin-blue">       <div class="wrapper">           <% include ./templates/header.ejs %>                  <section class="content">                 <div class="content-section container">                     <div class="row">                            <% include ./contents/aboutus.ejs %> //aboutus page rendering                           </div>                 </div>             </section>            <% include ./templates/footer.ejs %>             </div>    <% include ./contents/help-popup.ejs %>     <% include ./templates/jsfiles.ejs %>    </body> </html> 

here,obviously aboutus.ejs working inside body part. call careers.ejs clicking on link inside aboutus.ejs. header , footer should not change. how add & render careers.ejs routing?

i think expecting layout system jade. can achieved npm package ejs-locals. in instead of calling ejs file, can give body part of html.

ex : boilerplate

<!doctype html> <html>   <head>     <title>it's <%=who%></title>     <%-scripts%>     <%-stylesheets%>   </head>   <body>     <header>       <%-blocks.header%>     </header>     <section>       <%-body -%>     </section>     <footer>       <%-blocks.footer%>     </footer>   </body> </html> 


<% layout('boilerplate') -%>  <% script('foo.js') -%>  <% stylesheet('foo.css') -%>  <h1>i <%=what%> list </h1>  <% block('header', "<p>i'm in header.</p>") -%>  <% block('footer', "<p>i'm in footer.</p>") -%> 


<% layout('boilerplate') -%> <% script('foo.js') -%> <% stylesheet('foo.css') -%> <h1>i <%=what%> programmer in usa  </h1> <% block('header', "<p>i'm in header.</p>") -%> <% block('footer', "<p>i'm in footer.</p>") -%> 

so, in can include other templates using ejs-locals.


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