linux - How to use "ls *.c" command in java? -
i trying print "*.c" files in java
i use below code
public static void getfilelist(){ try { string lscmd = "ls *.c"; process p=runtime.getruntime().exec(lscmd); p.waitfor(); bufferedreader reader=new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(p.getinputstream())); string line=reader.readline(); while(line!=null) { system.out.println(line); line=reader.readline(); } } catch(ioexception e1) { system.out.println("pblm found1."); } catch(interruptedexception e2) { system.out.println("pblm found2."); } system.out.println("finished."); }
p.s:- working fine "ls" command.when using "*" in command, aren't work. need replacement of "*" in command in java.
thanks guys.
now need same result comment " ls -d1 $pwd/** "in java. list directory names full path.
thanks time.
you might find more reliable:
path dir = paths.get("/path/to/directory"); try (directorystream<path> stream = files.newdirectorystream(dir, "*.c")) { (path file : stream) { // stuff file } }
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