php - Pagination not working correctly in laravel -

my pagination not working correctly.when pagination clicked takes time display result , when click page 1 after other ,the pages continuously loaded. why happens ...can 1 me this?????.............

my view.blade.php

<div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">                                       <div class="item active"> <img src="{{ config::get('constants.site_url') }}public/hotel_images/{{ $rat->image }}" class="img-responsive center-object"/> </div>                                   @if(!empty($rat->imagestore))                                     @foreach($rat->imagestore $image)                                          <div class="item"> <img src="{{ config::get('constants.site_url') }}public/uploadstoreimages/{{ $image->store_image }}" class="img-responsive center-object"/> </div>                                     @endforeach                                     @endif                                 </div>                             </div>                         </div>                          <div class="col-lg-6">                             <p>{{$rat->restaurant}}</p>                             <p>address : {{$rat->address}}  </p>                             <p>city : {{$rat->city}} </p>                             <p>zip : {{$rat->zipcode}}</p>                             <p>offer : {{$rat->offer}} </p>                             <p>price : $$  </p>                             <!--<p>price : {{$rat->price}} </p>-->                             <p>link : <a href="{{$rat->url}}">{{$rat->url}}</a> </p>                                                         <p>{{$rat->description}} </p>                          </div>                          <div class="col-lg-3">                             <h3>{{$rat->phone}}</h3>                             <a href="#" class="special" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#mymodal_{{$rat->id}}" data_value="{{ $rat->id }}">special</a>                         </div>                     </div>                 </div>               </div> 

pagination.blade.php page

<div class="posts">  @include('front_end/stores/stores1') </div>    <script>       /* var url = window.location.href;        var parts = url.split("?");       var result = parts[parts.length - 1]; */      $(window).on('hashchange', function() {         if (window.location.hash) {             var page = window.location.hash.replace('#', '');             if (page == number.nan || page <= 0) {                 return false;             } else {                 getposts(page);             }         }     });     $(document).ready(function() {         $(document).on('click', '.pagination a', function (e) {             getposts($(this).attr('href').split('page=')[1]);             e.preventdefault();         });     });     function getposts(page) {         var url = window.location.href;          var parts = url.split("?");       var result = parts[parts.length - 1];        $.ajax({             url : '?page=' + page ,//'&cat_id={{ $cat_id }}',          }).done(function (data) {             //console.log(data);             $('.posts').html(data);             location.hash = page;         }).fail(function () {             alert('posts not loaded.');         });     }     </script> 


if($cat_id != 0){             if($subcat_id == 0){                 $restaurant = restaurant::leftjoin('cities','','=','')                              ->leftjoin('cuisine','restaurant.cuisine','=','')                              ->where('restaurant.category','=',$cat_id)                              ->select('*',' id',' rest_id','restaurant.created_at user_created')->orderby('','desc')                              ->paginate(3);             }else{                 $restaurant = restaurant::leftjoin('cities','','=','')                              ->leftjoin('cuisine','restaurant.cuisine','=','')                              ->where('restaurant.category','=',$cat_id)                              ->where('restaurant.subcategory','=',$subcat_id)                              ->select('*',' id',' rest_id','restaurant.created_at user_created')->orderby('','desc')                              ->paginate(3);             }          } 


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