mysql - sequelize - cannot read property catch of undefined -
i using sequelize mysql in project. current use case populating table 'roles_master' default roles.
the function createdefaultroles implementation checks:
- if there rows in table
- if yes, , force true, deletes existing rows , inserts new rows
- if table empty, directly inserts new rows
my code below...
/** * creates pre-defined set of roles * if roles table exists , contains data, * function returns, without creating roles. * list of roles defined in file "ecp_db_defaults.js" * * @param force -- boolean flag indicate whether drop existng roles , recreate afresh **/ function createdefaultroles(force, callback) { console.log("executing createdefaultroles..."); db.role.count().then(function(result) { if (result>0) { if (force) { console.log("emptying roles table..."); db.role.destroy({force:true, where: {}}).then(function() { db.role.bulkcreate(dbconfig.roles).done(function() { console.log("1. created user roles."); if (callback) return callback(null); else return; }).catch(function(e){ console.log("error while creating roles...", e); if (callback) return callback(e); }); }).catch(function(e) { console.error("error while destroying roles table.", e); return (callback)?callback(e):e; }); } //if (callback) return callback(null); else return; } else { db.role.bulkcreate(dbconfig.roles).done(function(){ console.log("2. created user roles."); if (callback) return callback(null); }) } }).catch(function(e){ console.error("error while querying roles table.", e); if (callback) return callback(e); }); }
the problem that, works partially. while, able delete existing rows , add new ones, throws exception caught , printed below..
- executing createdefaultroles...
- emptying roles table... error while destroying roles table. [typeerror: cannot read property 'catch'of undefined]
- successfully created user roles.
finally, function fails, because of above error. have tried matching .then() , .catch() promises correctly. seem fine.
any in solving highly appreciated.
i guess problem in block
db.role.bulkcreate(dbconfig.roles).done(function() { console.log("1. created user roles."); if (callback) return callback(null); else return; }).catch(function(e){ console.log("error while creating roles...", e); if (callback) return callback(e); });
since .done() returns undefined cannot append 'catch' on this. if replace .done .then should work expected
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