spring - Deploying dynamically created BPMN model using Activiti REST API -

i new activiti. working on project in should able create process dynamically using spring mvc. have come acrossed http://stacktrace.be/blog/2013/03/dynamic-process-creation-and-deployment-in-100-lines/

is possible deploy dynamically created process using rest api directly or should create bpmn-20.xml , deploy it. there example creating complex process such using boundary events dynamically.


it possible through endpoint /activiti-rest/service/deployment! please check this forum thread further infos + sample code.

you not have create file on disk, simulate inputstream of sort:

multipartentitybuilder builder = multipartentitybuilder.create(); builder.addbinarybody("deployment", new bytearrayinputstream((<put-something-here>).tobytearray()), contenttype.default_binary,"test.bpmn20.xml") 


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