excel - Webdriver selenium,java.lang.NullPointerException,while trying to locate a Webelement -

complete code written fetch data excel , login gmail, while trying browser had opened , desired page got opened , login id picked excel , stored in variable susername, unable locate xpath as- element=driver.findelement(by.id("email")); when print element holds "null", expected address of locator id. further using address of id had used sendkeys enter email address in text box.

but following error displayed:

java.lang.nullpointerexception @ appmodules.signin.execute(signin.java:21)

login class-where locator issue exists: @ - login1.username(driver).sendkeys(susername);

public class login1 {   //private static webdriver driver=null;  private static webelement element=null;  public static webelement username(webdriver driver)  {     try {         system.out.println("aaa");     system.out.println("bb");         element=driver.findelement(by.name("email"));         system.out.println("ccc");     } catch (exception e) {         // todo: handle exception         system.out.println(element);     }  return element; } public static webelement btn_login(webdriver driver) {     element= driver.findelement(by.id("next"));     return element; } public static webelement password(webdriver driver) {     element= driver.findelement(by.id("passwd"));     return element; } public static webelement btn_signin(webdriver driver) {     element= driver.findelement(by.id("signin"));     return element; } } 

this signin class iam getting java null pointer exception--issue exists: at- login1.username(driver).sendkeys(susername);

public class signin { private static webdriver driver=null;  public static void execute (int itestcaserow)  {     string susername=excelutils1.getcelldata(itestcaserow,constant1.col_username);     system.out.println(susername);  //driver.ma3nage().window().maximize();      //driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(10,timeunit.seconds);  login1.username(driver).sendkeys(susername);     //driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(10,timeunit.seconds);     login1.btn_login(driver).click(); string pass=excelutils1.getcelldata(itestcaserow, constant1.col_password1); login1.password(driver).sendkeys(pass); login1.btn_signin(driver).click(); } } 

this have instantiate browser--

public class utils1 {     public static webdriver driver;      public static webdriver openbrowser(int itestcaserow) {         string sbrowsername;         system.out.println(itestcaserow);         sbrowsername = excelutils1.getcelldata(itestcaserow,                 constant1.col_browser);         if (sbrowsername.equals("mozilla")) {             driver = new firefoxdriver();             // log.info("new driver instantiated");             driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(20, timeunit.seconds);             // log.info("implicit wait applied on driver 10 seconds");             driver.get(constant1.url);             // log.info("web application launched successfully");          }         return driver;     } } 

it practice deal internally explicit wait locating element. if there page related activity need use wait page load.

please follow bellow code internal wait

protected webelement waitforpresent(final string locator) {     // timeout default wait timeout in long.     return waitforpresent(locator, timeout); } 

for explicit wait

protected webelement waitforpresent(final string locator, long timeout) {     webdriverwait wait = new webdriverwait(driver, timeout);     webelement ele = null;     try {         ele = wait.until(expectedconditions                 .presenceofelementlocated(locator));     } catch (exception e) {         throw e;     }     return ele; }  protected webelement waitfornotpresent(final string locator, long timeout) {     timeout = timeout * 1000;     long starttime = system.currenttimemillis();     webelement ele = null;     while ((system.currenttimemillis() - starttime) < timeout) {         try {             ele = findelement(locator);             thread.sleep(1000);         } catch (exception e) {             break;         }     }     return ele; } 


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