sql server - Type Geometry is not a defined system type -

i running query , error in title

insert  [dbo].[property] ([gpsid] ,[energy],[corp_type],[irrigation],[variety],[trees],[utilizat],[number] ,[address],[water_hour],[owner_id] ,[w_source],[w_inche],[area] ,[pool],[noemalekiat],[motevasetbardasht]  ,[w_dore],[shape],[idshahrestan],[idostan],[contex],[title])  values ('wr-2627-4bs','هیچ کدام','درخت سیب','غرقابی','null',0,'باغ','4','مهرگرد',90,1209504774,'چشمه',0,670.172195242369,1,'شش دانگ',0,0,geometry::stgeomfromtext('polygon ((550480.3407000020000000 3492052.1042000000000000, 550484.4087000050000000 3492054.7619999900000000, 550491.0337000000000000 3492050.1400000000000000, 550471.1482000160000000 3492031.7781000200000000, 550467.5869000140000000 3492032.8482000100000000, 550449.0791000050000000 3492051.8504000100000000, 550450.4848000070000000 3492058.8710999900000000, 550454.7364000020000000 3492064.5679000100000000, 550475.6995000040000000 3492052.7600000100000000, 550483.2033000110000000 3492053.9946000000000000, 550480.3407000020000000 3492052.1042000000000000))',32639).makevalid(),13,14,2,6)  

this version of sql server using

microsoft sql server 2008 r2 (sp2) - 10.50.4042.0 (x64)  mar 26 2015 21:18:04  copyright (c) microsoft corporation express edition (64-bit) on windows nt 6.1 <x64> (build 7601: service pack 1) 

this table create sql

    use [land_gis] go  /****** object:  table [dbo].[property]    script date: 1/27/2016 6:21:31 pm ******/ set ansi_nulls on go  set quoted_identifier on go  create table [dbo].[property](     [objectid] [int] identity(1,1) not null,     [gpsid] [nvarchar](50) null,     [energy] [nvarchar](50) null,     [corp_type] [nvarchar](50) null,     [pool] [nvarchar](50) null,     [irrigation] [nvarchar](50) null,     [variety] [nvarchar](50) null,     [trees] [int] null,     [utilizat] [nvarchar](50) null,     [number] [smallint] null,     [address] [nvarchar](50) null,     [water_hour] [numeric](38, 8) null,     [owner_id] [numeric](38, 8) not null,     [w_source] [nvarchar](50) null,     [w_inche] [numeric](38, 8) null,     [area] [numeric](38, 8) null,     [pool_cap] [numeric](38, 8) null,     [discript] [nvarchar](50) null,     [shape] [geometry] null,     [w_dore] [numeric](38, 8) null,     [idshahrestan] [numeric](38, 8) null,     [idostan] [numeric](38, 8) null,     [contex] [numeric](38, 8) null,     [title] [numeric](38, 8) null,     [noemalekiat] [nvarchar](50) null,     [motevasetbardasht] [nvarchar](50) null,  constraint [r14_pk] primary key clustered  (     [objectid] asc )with (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off, ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on, fillfactor = 75) on [primary] ) on [primary] textimage_on [primary]  go 

this compatibility level

    use [land_gis] go select compatibility_level sys.databases name = 'land_gis'; go 

the result is


i know error because of version of sqlserver far know sql server 2008 r2 supports geometry type..could please me it?

thank much

answer, should change geometry geometry


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