javascript - jsPdf Android Stock browser error -

i'm developing script transforms html table in pdf document. use jspdf , jspdf-autotable. did testing on various brwser , works fine except android stock browser.

  android stock browser error :

resource interpreted document transferred mime type application/pdf: "data:application/pdf;base64,jvberi0xljmkmyawig9iago8pc9uexblic9qywdlci9qyxj…l6zsaxoqovum9vdcaxocawifikl0luzm8gmtcgmcbscj4+cnn0yxj0ehjlzgozmdk5ciulru9g".

jspdf code error jspdf.debug.js line 863

case 'dataurl': return global.document.location.href = datauri;

jspdf version: jspdf/1.0.272/jspdf.debug.js

what's wrong?

the "android stock browser error" warning don't have worry about. might old versions of android stock browser don't support datauri location href. try use save method instead pdf.'table.pdf'); 


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