sql - Select xml nodes directly from user-defined function -
i have select xml, wich parse attributes columns this:
declare @xml xml select @xml = xml_function() select tab.col.value('@fieldone','varchar(20)') fieldone, tab.col.value('@fieldtwo','varchar(20)') fieldtwo @xml.nodes('/row') tab(col)
is possible make select directly xml_function
without copying result @xml
something like:
select * xml_function().nodes('/row')
as far know cannot use xml returning function directly nodes()
, might use cte or "sub-select" inlined:
create function dbo.comebackasxml(@xmltext varchar(max)) returns xml begin declare @x xml=cast(@xmltext xml); return @x; end go declare @xtext varchar(max)= '<root> <item id="3"> <a attr="test1" /> <a attr="test2" /> <a attr="test3" /> </item> <item id="5"> <a attr="test1" /> <a attr="test2" /> </item> </root>'; getxml (select dbo.comebackasxml(@xtext) asxml) select item.value('@id','int') itemid ,a.value('@attr','varchar(max)') a_attr getxml cross apply getxml.asxml.nodes('/root/item') one(item) cross apply one.item.nodes('a') the(a); go drop function dbo.comebackasxml; go
this cte sub-select:
select item.value('@id','int') itemid ,a.value('@attr','varchar(max)') a_attr (select dbo.comebackasxml(@xtext)) getxml(asxml) cross apply getxml.asxml.nodes('/root/item') one(item) cross apply one.item.nodes('a') the(a);
if want function parameterizable must aware, things write xpath expressions - in cases - literals , therefore not parameterizable...
i assume, not want "general-all-purpose" xml function dealing unknown structure might need. assume there given xml same , want write queries shorter:
you have several ways go
- deliver table , use
- pass in parameter , use
- build statement dynamically (needs stored procedure)
here you'll find example each approach:
create function dbo.parsexml(@xml xml) returns table return select item.value('@id','int') itemid ,a.value('@attr','varchar(max)') a_attr @xml.nodes('/root/item') one(item) cross apply one.item.nodes('a') the(a); go declare @x xml= '<root> <item id="3"> <a attr="test1" /> <a attr="test2" /> <a attr="test3" /> </item> <item id="5"> <a attr="test1" /> <a attr="test2" /> </item> </root>'; select * dbo.parsexml(@x) itemid=3 go alter function dbo.parsexml(@xml xml,@itemid int) returns table return select item.value('@id','int') itemid ,a.value('@attr','varchar(max)') a_attr @xml.nodes('/root/item[@id=sql:variable("@itemid")]') one(item) cross apply one.item.nodes('a') the(a); go declare @x xml= '<root> <item id="3"> <a attr="test1" /> <a attr="test2" /> <a attr="test3" /> </item> <item id="5"> <a attr="test1" /> <a attr="test2" /> </item> </root>'; select * dbo.parsexml(@x,5); go create procedure dbo.parsexmldynamically(@xml xml,@itemid int) begin declare @sqlcmd nvarchar(max)= 'select item.value(''@id'',''int'') itemid ,a.value(''@attr'',''varchar(max)'') a_attr @xml.nodes(''/root/item[@id=' + cast(@itemid varchar(100)) + ']'') one(item) cross apply one.item.nodes(''a'') the(a)'; execute sp_executesql @sqlcmd,n'@xml xml',@xml; end go declare @x xml= '<root> <item id="3"> <a attr="test1" /> <a attr="test2" /> <a attr="test3" /> </item> <item id="5"> <a attr="test1" /> <a attr="test2" /> </item> </root>'; exec dbo.parsexmldynamically @x, 5; go drop procedure dbo.parsexmldynamically; drop function dbo.parsexml;
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