Java command terminal -
alright trying run java file it's not doing want terminal.
i have main directory called packagetester.
packagetester contains src , bin
src has packagea packageb
pacakgea has packageb has
bin has class files
bin has packagea packageb
pacakgea has helloa.class packageb has hellob.class
to compile files used following command when in pacakagetester directory: javac -d bin -sourcepath source src/package*/* , works !
now how run hellob.class contains main method , has object of helloa.
i thought when @ packagetester directory, can do: java bin/packageb/hellob not work because cannot seem find .class file. appreciated figure out how execute file correctly
the root of bin
should in classpath in order packageb.hellob
found packageb/hellob.class
while parsing classpath.
the easiest way change directory bin
, execute java packageb.hellob
alternatively, can execute java -cp bin packageb.hellob
directory, or somewhere else if replace bin
absolute path.
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