c# - Async request never ends using RestSharp -

i'm using restsharp request asynchronously never ends. if same request synchronously ends successfully. have used restsharp before , worked.

what doing wrong?

here's async method: (this.client localhost)

public async task<serviceresponse> upvotearticleasync(string source, string url) {     var client = this.client;     var request = new restrequest("service/upvote/"+source+"/"+url, method.get) { requestformat = dataformat.json };     var cancellationtokensource = new cancellationtokensource();     var deserial = new jsondeserializer();      var response = await client.executetaskasync(request, cancellationtokensource.token);      return deserial.deserialize<serviceresponse>(response); } 

and how call it:

serviceresponse result = await rest.upvotearticleasync (this.article.source, this.article.url); 

as said if change async method sync one, works:

public async task<serviceresponse> upvotearticleasync(string source, string url) {     var client = this.client;     var request = new restrequest("service/upvote/"+source+"/"+url, method.get) { requestformat = dataformat.json };     var cancellationtokensource = new cancellationtokensource();     var deserial = new jsondeserializer();      var response = client.executetaskasync(request, cancellationtokensource.token);      return deserial.deserialize<serviceresponse>(response.result); } 


i used try , catch see if there's exceptions didn't throw any.

edit 2:

even if same request httpwebrequest system.net still gets stuck when using async version of getresponse:

public async task<bool> upvotearticleasync(string source, string url) {     var request = httpwebrequest.create(string.format(@"{0}/{1}", source, url));     request.contenttype = "application/json";     request.method = "get";      using (httpwebresponse response = await request.getresponseasync () httpwebresponse)     {         if (response.statuscode != httpstatuscode.ok)             console.out.writeline("error fetching data. server returned status code: {0}", response.statuscode);         using (streamreader reader = new streamreader(response.getresponsestream()))         {             var content = reader.readtoend();             if(string.isnullorwhitespace(content)) {                 console.out.writeline("response contained empty body...");             }             else {                 console.out.writeline("response body: \r\n {0}", content);             }         }     }     return true; } 


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