Combined csv via cmd -
i'm working on way combine 3 csv files , have following script so:
@echo off echo set working directory pushd %~dp0 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set cnt=1 %%i in (*.csv) ( if !cnt!==1 ( /f "delims=" %%j in ('type "%%i"') echo %%j >> combined.csv ) else if %%i neq combined.csv ( /f "skip=1 delims=" %%j in ('type "%%i"') echo %%j >> combined.csv ) rem increment count 1 set /a cnt+=1 )'
this works charm , strips header of other 2 csv files in working dir.
the script outputs combined.csv, nice script output nl2 ddmmyyyy.csv.
the issue have , can't seem figure out how make name of output file incremental , date-based.
code can parse date elements date variable. format of date vary based on locale. mine set yyyy-mm-dd, yours may different.
m:>echo %date% 2016-01-27 8:23:58.28 \\swpdcendwxtk01\d$ m:\dw_devl\paul\phs_dmx_config\bin m:>set fndate=%date:~8,2%%date:~5,2%%date:~0,4% 8:24:08.54 \\swpdcendwxtk01\d$ m:\dw_devl\paul\phs_dmx_config\bin m:>echo %fndate% 27012016
inside loop, set variable , use output.
set combo_filename=nl!cnt!%fndate%.csv echo %%j >>!combo_filename!
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