java - Writing to an Excel file using Apache POI a huge data from ArrayList of Strings -
i have arraylist of strings quite huge(approximately on 500k , more of items). there possibility speed writing array excel file? right takes while , have no idea if did could(maybe problem .get method?). please refer following code(please not pay attation details- class created test purposes):
import; import; import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.list; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.xssfworkbook; public class tests { private static final string address = "./result/file.xlsx"; public static void readandwriteadata(int counterofexecutions, list<string> listofresults) throws ioexception{ file file = new file(address); if(file.exists()&&!file.isdirectory()){ file.delete(); } @suppresswarnings("resource") workbook wb = new xssfworkbook(); fileoutputstream fileout = new fileoutputstream(address); wb.write(fileout); fileout.close(); sheet sheet = wb.createsheet("1"); row row; cell cell; int add = 0; system.out.println("start of filling excel file"); for(int i=0; i<counterofexecutions;i++){ row = sheet.createrow(i); for(int j=0; j<5; j++){ cell = row.createcell(j); cell.setcellvalue(listofresults.get(j+add)); } add+=5; } fileoutputstream fileoutputsecond = new fileoutputstream(file); wb.write(fileoutputsecond); fileoutputsecond.close(); system.out.println("file "+address+" has been created."); } public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception { system.out.println("start of creating arraylist"); list<string> lista = new arraylist<>(); for(int = 1 ; i<550000;i++){ lista.add("nic "+i); } system.out.println("arraylist has been filled"); readandwriteadata(100999, lista); system.out.println("the end"); } }
thanks lot in advance hints! :)
please try use sxssfworkbook. more efficient better usage of try see apache poi 3.8 api
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