html - Blank email, no error when sending email with PHP -
my code not producing email , showing blank screen. have compared output other email , comparing headers seems no problem there.
function sendemail($pemail, $pfirst, $plast, $add1,$add2,$pcode) { $messageplain="test here test "; $messagehtml = "<p> test here </p>"; $myemail = ""; //<-----put email address here. -----> $test_email=""; $crlf = "\r\n"; echo "<br /><b>emailing ..." . $pemail. "</b><br />"; $to = $test_email; //$to = "$first_name $lasyt_name<$pemail"; $email_subject = "with urgent regard pledge support speckled wood tq834112"; // add in our primary content boundary, , mime type specification - inline attachment image: $sep = sha1(date('r', time())); $headers = array ( // 'content-transfer-encoding: 7bit', // 'in-reply-to:'.$sep.'', 'content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="-php-'.$sep.'"', // 'to: ' . $to, 'from: friends of speckled wood management trust <'.$myemail.'>', 'reply-to: friends of speckled wood management trust <'.$myemail.'>', 'mime-version: 1.0', // 'date: ' . date('r', $_server['request_time']), 'message-id: <' . $_server['request_time'] . md5($_server['request_time']) . '@' . $_server['server_name'] . '>', 'x-mailer: php v' . phpversion(), // 'return-path: friends of speckled wood management trust <'.$myemail.'>', // 'x-originating-ip: ' . $_server['server_addr'], ); $image="../assets/foswmt.jpg"; if(!file_exists($image)) die("error #000001: fatal error not locate email attachment image {$image}"); $attachment = file_get_contents($image); $encoded = base64_encode($attachment); $attached = chunk_split($encoded); $email_body = array ( '---php-'.$sep.'', 'content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="-php-'.$sep.'"', ' ', ' ', '---php-'.$sep.'', 'content type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2"', // 'content-disposition: inline', 'content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable', ' ', $messageplain, ' ', ' ', '---php-'.$sep.'', 'content-type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-2"', // 'content-disposition: inline', 'content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable', ' ', '<html><body>', '<p><centre><img src="cid:php-cid-'.$sep.'" alt="foswmt group" height="200" width="200"></centre></p>', $messagehtml, '</body></html>', '---php-'.$sep.'--', ' ', '---php-'.$sep.'', 'content type: image/jpeg;', 'content-transfer-encoding: base64', 'contect-id: <php-cid-'.$sep.'>', 'content-disposition: attachment; filename = "logo.jpg"', $attached, '---php-'.$sep.'--' ); $email_subject = $pfirst. " ". $plast . " wish make pledge urgent regard speckled wood tq834112"; // $headers .= "return-path:\r\n"; $sent = mail($to,$email_subject,implode($crlf, $email_body),implode($crlf, $headers)); //echo( "<br /><br />header: <br />" . $headers."body: <br />". $email_body . "<br /><br />"); } ?> <?php $count=0; $countemail=0; $conlivedata = mysql_pconnect("localhost","user","password"); if (!$conlivedata) { echo "failed connect mysql: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $con = mysql_pconnect("","user","password"); if (!$con) { echo "failed connect mysql: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } mysql_select_db("csv_db", $con)or die("a mysql error has occurred.your query: error: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("select * `tbl_name` emailaddr <> ' ' order `emailaddr`", $con) or die("<br/>a mysql query error has occurred.your query: error: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error()); $total = (mysql_result($result, 0)); ob_end_flush(); $i=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $email = $row['emailaddr']; $i++; if ($email != null ){ mysql_select_db("foswood_db", $conlivedata) or die("<br/>a mysql error has occurred slecting database.<br />your query: <br/> error: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error()); $liveresult = mysql_query("select count(*) pledges emailaddr = '$email'", $conlivedata) or die("<br/>a mysql error has occurred.<br />your query: <br /> error: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error()); if(mysql_result($liveresult, 0) ) { $count +=1; } else { $countemail+= 1; echo $row['first_name'] . " " . $row['last_name'] . " @ : " . $row['street_address']. "," . $row['street_address2']. "-" . $row['street_address']. "." . $row['postcode_address']; sendemail($row['emailaddr'],$row['first_name'],$row['last_name'] ,$row['street_address'],$row['street_address2'],$row['street_address'],$row['postcode_address']); // calculate percentation $percent = intval(($i/$total) * 100)."%"; // javascript updating progress bar , information echo '<script language="javascript"> document.getelementbyid("progress").innerhtml="<div style=\"width:'.$percent.';background-color:#880000;\"> </div>"; document.getelementbyid("information").innerhtml="'.$i.' row(s) processed."; </script>'; // buffer achieve minimum size in order flush data echo str_repeat(' ',1024*64); // send output browser flush(); } mysql_select_db("csv_db", $con) or die("<br/>a mysql error has occurred slecting database.<br />your query: <br /> error: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error()); } echo "<br />"; } // tell user process completed echo '<script language="javascript">document.getelementbyid("information").innerhtml="process completed"</script>'; echo "<br/><br/><b/>totals: " .$countemail." users emailed . ". $count . " users have pledged.</b/>"; mysql_close($con); mysql_close($conlivedata); ?>
email output:
x-store-info:j++/jtczmobr++wnraa4pa4f5xd6uens1lp3ik0ye5aejpdieml+dlztxnwvfaro8tnno6obhga7l/djzgzox0ppu40fiobocmeufoon2lhkqez1hupwzd8509hwmnoi6c5vv2mwpthob2arsxfcxq== authentication-results:; spf=none (sender ip; dkim=none; x-hmca=none x-sid-pra: x-auth-result: none x-sid-result: none x-message-status: n:n x-message-delivery: vj0xlje7dxm9mdtspte7yt0xo0q9mtthrd0xo1ndtd0w x-message-info: aklyzgsc+lm8gd7dwuxysrnr5llybbvh97q7gldsvulibzntxamnodznstroicjdom3yfa8mqdhajb3blbvckgwyxogtqvpn3hhkvyihwpalwivoeaatyhiqodqbm88c293bzbrm/nmwfktrflu4qmmhyqubkcod received: ([]) microsoft smtpsvc(6.0.3790.4900); sun, 24 mar 2013 11:37:33 -0700 received: (qmail 8872 invoked uid 33); 24 mar 2013 18:37:32 +0000 date: 24 mar 2013 18:37:32 +0000 to: subject: adam britton wish make pledge urgent regard speckled wood tq834112 x-php-originating-script: 10323:emailusers2.php content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="-php-12e6e3f21ec76200f42baff8c05e6cbbe0fbe191" from: blah <> reply-to: blah <> mime-version: 1.0 message-id: <> x-mailer: php v5.3.2-1ubuntu4.10 return-path: x-originalarrivaltime: 24 mar 2013 18:37:33.0432 (utc) filetime=[a6013f80:01ce28be] ---php-12e6e3f21ec76200f42baff8c05e6cbbe0fbe191 content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="-php-12e6e3f21ec76200f42baff8c05e6cbbe0fbe191" ---php-12e6e3f21ec76200f42baff8c05e6cbbe0fbe191 content type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2" content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable test here test ---php-12e6e3f21ec76200f42baff8c05e6cbbe0fbe191 content-type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-2" content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable <html><body> <p><centre><img src="cid:php-cid-12e6e3f21ec76200f42baff8c05e6cbbe0fbe191" alt="foswmt group" height="200" width="200"></centre></p> <p> test here </p> </body></html> ---php-12e6e3f21ec76200f42baff8c05e6cbbe0fbe191-- ---php-12e6e3f21ec76200f42baff8c05e6cbbe0fbe191 content type: image/jpeg; content-transfer-encoding: base64 contect-id: <php-cid-12e6e3f21ec76200f42baff8c05e6cbbe0fbe191> content-disposition: attachment; filename = "logo.jpg" /9j/4aaqskzjrgabageasabiaad/7ro4ughvdg9zag9widmumaa4qklna+0aaaaaabaasaaaaaea agbiaaaaaqacoejjtqqnaaaaaaaeaaaahjhcsu0egqaaaaaabaaaab44qklna/maaaaaaakaaaaa aaaaaaeaoejjtqqkaaaaaaabaaa4qklnjxaaaaaaaaoaaqaaaaaaaaacoejjtqp1aaaaaabiac9m zgabagxmzgagaaaaaaabac9mzgabakgzmgagaaaaaaabadiaaaabafoaaaagaaaaaaabaduaaaab ac0aaaagaaaaaaaboejjtqp4aaaaaabwaad/////////////////////////////a+gaaaaa//// etc... ---php-12e6e3f21ec76200f42baff8c05e6cbbe0fbe191--
i can't tell problem code is, general advice using library swiftmailer instead. takes pain out of building multi-part , attachment e-mails.
other that, need first basic debugging: check program flow step step, output variable contents, until find reason why text ends blank. that'll give more specific question ask.
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