r - Selecting all the check-boxes at once in Shiny -
i know how select check-boxes @ once. in code have 5 check-boxes.
server <- function(input, output) { output$distplot <- renderplot({ hist(rnorm(input$obs), col = 'darkgray', border = 'white') }) } ui <- fluidpage( sidebarlayout( sidebarpanel( sliderinput("obs", "number of observations:", min = 10, max = 500, value = 100), checkboxinput("checkbox1", label = "meansnr", value= false), checkboxinput("checkbox2", label = "t-statistics", value = false), checkboxinput("checkbox3", label = "adjusted p-value", value = false), checkboxinput("checkbox4", label = "log-odds", value = false), checkboxinput("checkbox5", label = "all", value = false)), mainpanel(plotoutput("distplot")) ) ) shinyapp(ui = ui, server = server)
i know how make work
1) if user selects fifth check-box all
, should automatically select check-boxes. on uncheck, should deselect checkboxes.
2 ) if user selects first 4 check-boxes, should select fifth 1 all
check-box too.
this isn't elegant jorel's answer, it's solution uses pure shiny
package code.
library(shiny) #* make sure include session argument in order use update functions server <- function(input, output, session) { output$distplot <- renderplot({ hist(rnorm(input$obs), col = 'darkgray', border = 'white') }) #* observer update checkboxes 1 - 4 true whenever checkbox 5 true observeevent( eventexpr = input$checkbox5, handlerexpr = { if (input$checkbox5) lapply(paste0("checkbox", 1:4), function(x) { updatecheckboxinput(session, x, value = input$checkbox5) } ) } ) #* observer set checkbox 5 false whenever of checkbox 1-4 false lapply(paste0("checkbox", 1:4), function(x) { observeevent( eventexpr = input[[x]], handlerexpr = { if (!input[[x]]) updatecheckboxinput(session, "checkbox5", value = false) } ) } ) } ui <- fluidpage( sidebarlayout( sidebarpanel( sliderinput("obs", "number of observations:", min = 10, max = 500, value = 100), checkboxinput("checkbox1", label = "meansnr", value= false), checkboxinput("checkbox2", label = "t-statistics", value = false), checkboxinput("checkbox3", label = "adjusted p-value", value = false), checkboxinput("checkbox4", label = "log-odds", value = false), checkboxinput("checkbox5", label = "all", value = false) ), mainpanel(plotoutput("distplot")) ) ) shinyapp(ui = ui, server = server)
some follow , recommendations
i spent little time trying application you've specified, honestly, felt pretty unnatural (and wasn't working particularly well).
- in checkbox, if check "all", implies wish check boxes, don't think unselecting "all" implies unselecting of boxes.
- stemming 1), you're trying have 1 control 2 different things, can open door confusion.
so here's recommendation: user 4 checkboxes , 2 buttons. 2 buttons control if select or unselect of boxes, , act independently.
library(shiny) #* make sure include session argument in order use update functions server <- function(input, output, session) { output$distplot <- renderplot({ hist(rnorm(input$obs), col = 'darkgray', border = 'white') }) #* observer update checkboxes 1 - 4 true whenever selectall clicked observeevent( eventexpr = input$selectall, handlerexpr = { lapply(paste0("checkbox", 1:4), function(x) { updatecheckboxinput(session = session, inputid = x, value = true) } ) } ) #* observer update checkboxes 1 - 4 false whenever deselectall clicked observeevent( eventexpr = input$deselectall, handlerexpr = { lapply(paste0("checkbox", 1:4), function(x) { updatecheckboxinput(session = session, inputid = x, value = false) } ) } ) } ui <- fluidpage( sidebarlayout( sidebarpanel( sliderinput("obs", "number of observations:", min = 10, max = 500, value = 100), checkboxinput("checkbox1", label = "meansnr", value= false), checkboxinput("checkbox2", label = "t-statistics", value = false), checkboxinput("checkbox3", label = "adjusted p-value", value = false), checkboxinput("checkbox4", label = "log-odds", value = false), actionbutton("selectall", label = "select all"), actionbutton("deselectall", label = "deselect all") ), mainpanel(plotoutput("distplot")) ) ) shinyapp(ui = ui, server = server)
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