android - Cordova good performance transitions -
i making cordova app. in apps can switch between different pages. maked jquery animation new page comes left right:
$('#seite_2').css('left', '-100%'); $('#seite_2').animate({left: '0%'}, 150);
i having galaxy s6 , animation laggy. animation should use have (without lag) animation. dont have come left right. can different type of animation, looks better direct page swap. other css animation or plugin cool ;)
might overkill mobile app, in general velocity.js delivers high performance animations. on website can read why jquery , css animations slower:
secret sauce
javascript , jquery falsely conflated. javascript animation, velocity uses, fast; it's jquery that's slow. although velocity works alongside jquery, uses own animation stack delivers performance through 2 underlying principles: 1) synchronize dom → tween stack minimize layout thrashing, , 2) cache values minimize dom querying.
update: if prefer css3 animations, there few rules follow achieve 60fps performance:
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