jquery - How to add a javascript file to my wordpress plugin? -
i want integrate share button wordpress plugin, know there many plugins it, want button @ end of specific page.
i added controller, 1 loads/registers rest of javascripts, not working.
here code controller
wp_enqueue_script( 'wpproquiz_front_javascript', plugins_url('js/wpproquiz_front' . (wpproquiz_dev ? '' : '.min') . '.js', wpproquiz_file), array('jquery-ui-sortable'), wpproquiz_version, $footer ); wp_register_script( //this js file registering 'share_button_javascript', plugins_url('js/sharebutton.js', __file__) ); //wp_enqueue_script('share_button_javascript'); wp_localize_script('wpproquiz_front_javascript', 'wpproquizglobal', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'loaddata' => __('loading', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'questionnotsolved' => __('you must answer question.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'questionsnotsolved' => __('you must answer questions before can completed quiz.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'fieldsnotfilled' => __('all fields have filled.', 'wp-pro-quiz') ));
and here code in view of same controller
<script>var sharebutton = new sharebutton()</script> <sharebutton>share</sharebutton>
can tell me doing wrong here?
do this:
wp_enqueue_script( 'wpproquiz_front_javascript', plugins_url('js/wpproquiz_front' . (wpproquiz_dev ? '' : '.min') . '.js', wpproquiz_file), array('jquery-ui-sortable'), wpproquiz_version, $footer ); //this js file registering wp_register_script('share_button_javascript', plugins_url('js/sharebutton.js', __file__), array('jquery'), '', true); wp_enqueue_script('share_button_javascript'); //wp_enqueue_script('share_button_javascript'); wp_localize_script('wpproquiz_front_javascript', 'wpproquizglobal', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'loaddata' => __('loading', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'questionnotsolved' => __('you must answer question.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'questionsnotsolved' => __('you must answer questions before can completed quiz.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'fieldsnotfilled' => __('all fields have filled.', 'wp-pro-quiz') ));
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