php - Lumen for both webservice and website -
i have develop web service , admin panel. thought of developing web service in lumen , admin panel in laravel. if go have repeat code base basic entities user, categories, products etc. question can use lumen both?.
- admin side: lumen + angular/some other
- webservice: lumen
i researched , found in lumen, packages not included maintaining speed. if required, possible add packages later?
please advice me.
you might want give article building api laravel application lumen bit old , lumen has changed lot lately principle should still apply. create laravel app , using git submodule include dependency on lumen project. lets reuse of code such models ease.
the 2 key bits include laravel project submodule
git submodule add --force laravel
update lumen composer.json
autoload laravel code well
{ "autoload": { "psr-4": { "app\\": "app/", "application\\": "laravel/app/" }, "classmap": [ "tests/" ] } }
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