Animation flickers on Android device -
following on previous post on animation trouble (codename 1 animation trouble (also in solitaire demo)?) in app , in solitaire demo. simulator , ios problems solved, there remains issue on android devices. (test: nexus 7, android 5.1.1; cn1 3.3.1)
in checkers app, when computer makes move, checker starts moving destination square briefly flashes (while undo/redo animations work fine). similar happens in solitaire: when card starts auto-moving, if second move or higher in row, card land on top of flashes (as if button pressed?). happens in deal-from-deck animation (many moves in row).
in app looks checker briefly (one frame?) shown @ destination location , starts moving source location destination location should. same applies solitaire.
in issue #1640 mentioned: 'this related android pipeline work doing , has nothing animation framework. we'll take @ , try figure out happened there.'
when improved android pipeline scheduled? me submit new issue this?
i think works better issues ideally smaller scopes (one issue per post) , ideally simple test case demonstrates issue.
the issue tracker better place bugs stack overflow.
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