How do I make yeoman reload bla.html instead of index.html -
when change made html file in root, yeoman fires reload task, but, yeoman http://localhost:3501/index.html
. how let yeoman know wanna reload http://localhost:3501/bla.html
maybe gruntgile.js configurations?
yeoman 1.0 no problems, it's pretty easy install. here quick guide:
- make sure have node installed npm
- uninstall old version of grunt
- install requirements npm this:
npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower
- you have need, can run
confirm have correct version installed.
there lot less dependencies, moved per-project-basic.
you can read lot more on website here make sure read migration guide.
note: wiki says not work on windows, not case anymore, run windows 7 , works charm.
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