android - WebViewActivity destroyed on getting result -

i have implemented android sdk in special way: have webview, button implemented. button has special url. when url catched webviewclient in shouldoverrideurlloading method, scanner intent called:

    if( stringutils.contains( url, "activity_scan_activity://scan_activity" ) ) {             intent scanactivity = new intent(nativebridgeactivity, cardioactivity.class);             scanactivity.putextra(cardioactivity.extra_require_expiry, true); // default: false             scanactivity.putextra(cardioactivity.extra_require_cvv, false); // default: false             scanactivity.putextra(cardioactivity.extra_require_postal_code, false);             scanactivity.putextra(cardioactivity.extra_hide_cardio_logo, true);             scanactivity.putextra(cardioactivity.extra_scan_expiry, true);             scanactivity.putextra(cardioactivity.extra_require_cardholder_name, true);              scanactivity.putextra(cardioactivity.extra_suppress_confirmation, false);              nativebridgeactivity.startactivityforresult(scanactivity, 9374); } 

in webviewactivity, extends abstract class nativebridgeactivity, onactivityresult method implemented , should called, webviewactivity destroyed in cases: when press button on scanneractivity, when scan creditcard , when press keyboard button in scanner activity.

my webview activity appcompatactivity, extending fragmentactivity. webview itselve no fragment!

can me problem? cannot find, ondestroy called. finish never called in flow!

i've found bug. webview laoded no_history flag on 1 special place. other ways working correctly.

question can closed.


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