html - How to hide URL properly in activation email? -

i have integrated app, managed signup , login app backend.

i enabled settings --> email --> email settings --> verify user emails

new users receive email activation link like: provides hide urls:

by uploading attached file server , entering address below, can hide users. page iframe parse lets domain front-end our back-end.

<!doctype html>  <html>  <!-- page passthrough frame used host experience server.       if choose use feature, sure tell parse put page in       app settings page.       in general, there should no reason edit contents of page -->  <head>    <style type='text/css'>      html {        height: 100%;      }      .chromeless {        width: 100%;        height: 100%;        left: 0px;        top: 0px;        border: 0px;        margin: 0px;        padding: 0px;      }      .scrollable {        overflow: auto;      }      .noscroll {        overflow: hidden;      }      h1, p {        padding: 15px;        color: #0067ab;        font: inherit;        font-family: 'open sans', 'helvetica neue', helvetica;      }      h1 {        font-size: 30px;        font-weight: 600;      }    </style>    <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'><!--        window.onload = function() {        // when there query strings, page being used pass content onto parse. create        // iframe so. forwards relevant query parameters onto iframe.        if ( {          var urlparams = {};          (function () {              var pair, // match. index 0 full match; 1 & 2 key & val.                  tokenize = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g,                  // decodeuricomponents escapes leave +s should ' '                  re_space = function (s) { return decodeuricomponent(s.replace(/\+/g, " ")); },                  // substring cut off leading '?'                  querystring =;                while (pair = tokenize.exec(querystring))                 urlparams[re_space(pair[1])] = re_space(pair[2]);          })();            var base = '';          var link = '';          var query = '';          (param in urlparams) {            if (param == 'link') {              link = urlparams['link'];            } else {              if (query != '') {                query += "&";              }              query += param + '=' + encodeuricomponent(urlparams[param]);            }          }            // ensure there's leading slash avoid open redirect          if (link.charat(0) !== "/") {            link = "/" + link;          }            var iframe = document.createelement('iframe');          iframe.setattribute('src', base + link + '?' + query);          iframe.setattribute('class', 'chromeless scrollable');          document.getelementbyid('content').appendchild(iframe);          // otherwise, page being viewed app owner. explain how use it.        } else {          document.getelementbyid('content').innerhtml =             '<h1>this page lets host content own domain.</h1>' +            '<p>right click <a href="' + encodeuri(window.location.pathname) + '">here</a> save page. ' +            'upload own website , paste url in "parse frame url" ' +            'app settings @</p>';        }      }      //-->    </script>  </head>  <body class='chromeless noscroll'>    <noscript>we apologize, user management requires javascript</noscript>    <div id='content' class='chromeless noscroll'></div>  </body>  </html>

i renamed file parse.html , uploaded

then entered under --> settings --> email --> hide url --> parse frame url above mentioned phrase:

now, activation link in email like:

as can see previous version,

the / in url replaced %2f (as in between testemaillogin , verify_email)

when click on new activation link, nothing happens --> backend still tells me emailverfication field false

what did make wrong?

edit, completeness: when enter server settings field

i get:

403 forbidden code: accessdenied message: access denied requestid: 775e40b2f6002281 hostid: t34pg3cx5jbdrjnm0mfvlu7j7ox9pocyntf44otw3jmbolyomz2c7r2yyuyrzh0s3cxvc= error occurred while attempting retrieve custom error document code: accessdenied message: access denied


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