mysql - Sql query how to make it faster? -
i have sql query. possible change somehow query, has better performance, same result? query working, slow, , don't have idea on improving performance.
select keyword, query url_alias ua join product p on (p.manufacturer_id = convert(substring_index(ua.query,'=',-1),unsigned integer)) join oc_product_to_storebk ps on (p.product_id = ps.product_id) , ua.query 'manufacturer_id=%' , ps.store_id= '9' group ua.keyword
table structure:
+-----------------------------------------------+ | url_alias_id | query | keyword | +--------------+---------------------+----------+ | 1 | manufacturer_id=100 | test | +--------------+---------------------+----------+
+-----------------+------------+ | manufacturer_id | product_id | +-----------------+------------+ | 100 | 1000 | +-----------------+------------+
+------------+----------+ | product_id | store_id | +------------+----------+ | 1000 | 9 | +------------+----------+
i want keywords url_alias keyword column, when following condition met: like 'manufacturer_id=%' , ps.store_id='9'
you should avoid convert
function expensive , provides no way profit indexes on url_alias table.
extend url_alias table has additional fields parts of query. hesitate go way, not regret once have done it. url_alias table should this:
create table url_alias ( url_alias_id int, query varchar(200), keyword varchar(100), query_key varchar(200), query_value_str varchar(200), query_value_int int );
if don't want recreate it, add fields follows:
alter table url_alias add ( query_key varchar(200), query_value_str varchar(200), query_value_int int );
update these new columns existing records statement (only execute once):
update url_alias set query_key = substring_index(query, '=', 1), query_value_str = substring_index(query, '=', -1), query_value_int = nullif( convert(substring_index(query,'=',-1),unsigned integer), 0);
then create trigger these 3 fields updated automatically when insert new record:
create trigger ins_sum before insert on url_alias each row set new.query_key = substring_index(new.query, '=', 1), new.query_value_str = substring_index(new.query, '=', -1), new.query_value_int = nullif( convert(substring_index(new.query,'=',-1),unsigned integer), 0);
note additional nullif() make sure last field null when value after equal sign not numerical.
if ever update such records, create similar update trigger.
with set-up, can still insert records before:
insert url_alias (url_alias_id, query, keyword) values (1, 'manufacturer_id=100', 'test');
when select record, see this:
+--------------+---------------------+---------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | url_alias_id | query | keyword | query_key | query_value_str | query_value_int | +--------------+---------------------+---------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | 1 | manufacturer_id=100 | test | manufacturer_id | 100 | 100 | +--------------+---------------------+---------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
now work of extraction , conversion has been done once, , not have repeated more when select records. can rewrite original query this:
select ua.keyword, ua.query url_alias ua join product p on p.manufacturer_id = ua.query_value_int join oc_product_to_storebk ps on p.product_id = ps.product_id , ua.query_key = 'manufacturer_id' , ps.store_id = 9 group ua.keyword, ua.query
and can improve performance creating indexes on both elements of query:
create index query_key on url_alias(query_key, query_value_int, keyword);
you might need experiment bit order of fields right in index before gets used sql plan.
see sql fiddle.
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