lua - way to set dynamic pattern matcher -
please question pattern ^u.meta(\.|$) not working expected has expected behavior need.
in pattern ^u.meta(\.|$)
or in lua '^u%.meta%f[\0.]'
or '^u%.meta%f[%z.]'
, change need u.meta
can user defined variable. , pattern should generic/dynamic match set in variable.
for example:
-- should return 'u.meta', , pattern should match local pattern = 'u.meta' print(string.match("u.meta.admin", '^u%.meta%f[\0.]')) -- u.meta -- should return 'nil', , pattern should fail local pattern = 'u.meta' print(string.match("u.domain.admin", '^u%.meta%f[\0.]')) -- nil -- should return 'anything.anything', , pattern should match local pattern = 'anything.anything' print(string.match("anything.anything.something", '^anything%.anything%f[\0.]') -- anything.anything -- should return nil, , pattern should fail local pattern = 'anything.anything' print(string.match("fake.fake.something", '^anything%.anything%f[\0.]') -- nil
solution 1
so, thinking interpolation
in lua pattern, if possible.
working solution 2
i have made working of method. still have call pattern manually. if can fix pattern itself, great
function pattern_matcher(v, pattern) return string.match(v, pattern) end print(pattern_matcher("fake.fake.something", '^u%.meta%f[%z.]')) -- nil print(pattern_matcher("u.meta.something", '^u%.meta%f[%z.]')) -- u.meta print(pattern_matcher("u.meta_something", '^u%.meta%f[%z.]')) -- nil print(pattern_matcher("u.meta-something", '^u%.meta%f[%z.]')) -- nil
if need support user input literal part of regex pattern, need introduce escaping function magic characters escaped %
. then, concatenate custom boundaries (^
start of string, , %f[%z.]
end of string or dot).
function escape (s) return string.gsub(s, '[.*+?^$()[%%-]', "%%%0") end function pattern_matcher(v, pattern) return string.match(v, pattern) end word = "u.meta" print(pattern_matcher("u.meta.something", '^' .. escape(word) .. '%f[%z.]')) -- u.meta
see this demo
in escape
function, first 2 %%
in replacement pattern denote 1 %
, , %0
backreferences whole match (one of magic characters)
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