angularjs - make a list swipe left to right and left to right -

i need swipe list form left right , right left make code swipes left right not right left

 <ion-list >             <ion-item href="#" ng-repeat="prod in">                 <div > product name                     <l style="padding-left:20%;">{{prod.productname}}</l>                                     </div>                 <div> customer item code                     <l style="padding-left:3%;">{{prod.customeritemcode}}<l>                 </div>                 <div> item code                       <l style="padding-left:15%;">{{prod.ocalaitemcode}}</l>                 </div>                   <ion-option-button ng-click="passpopup();"  class="button-light icon ion-android-checkmark-circle"></ion-option-button>                 <ion-option-button ng-click="conditionalpopup();" class="button-light icon ion-android-radio-button-on"></ion-option-button>                 <ion-option-button ng-click="failpopup();" class="button-assertive ion-android-cancel"></ion-option-button>             </ion-item>          </ion-list>  

i need swipe list left right , should have buttons

different views of thought: view 0: swipe right: thumbnails, view 1: centre content: "product name, customer item code,.....", view 2: swipe left: 3 buttons"pass, conditional pass, fail ".

in list on right left swipe 3 buttons visible. on swiping left right list appears again list, again on swiping list left right set of 3 buttons should appear, hence totally 6 buttons in list-item.

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