c# - COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used? -
setting aside salt , hash debate. , please reply if know answer.
i trying create method user enters credentials date , times recorded automatically when logging in , out.
i have 2 problems
problem 1 - have created simple method logging in , out. when included date , time code noted these recorded , stored users. have 2 users. if 1 user logins date , time recorded , stamp other user.
problem 2 - second problem subject headers says error message when update command parameter in same method select.
if me grateful both of problems. minor issue? if omitting date , time grateful if me on multi login function.
access 2003 ~ 2 tables. table 1 - named logintable table 2 - named loginlogtable
fieldname datatype
username text password text loginlogtable fieldname datatype usernameid text username text loggedin date/time loggedintime date/time private void btnlogin_click(object sender, eventargs e) { using (var command = mycon.createcommand()) { command.commandtext = "select username, password logintable where strcomp(username, @username,0) = 0 , strcomp(password, @password,0)=0"; command.parameters.addwithvalue("username", (txtusername.text)); command.parameters.addwithvalue("password", (txtpassword.text)); mycon.open(); var reader = command.executereader(); { if (reader.hasrows) { messagebox.show("login successful"); form2 frm = new form2(); frm.show(); while (reader.read()) { txtusername.text = reader["username"].tostring(); txtpassword.text = reader["password"].tostring(); } oledbcommand cmd = new oledbcommand(); cmd.connection = mycon; cmd.commandtext = "update [loginlogtable] set [loggedindate] = ?, [loggedintime] = ?"; cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@loggedindate", datetime.now.toshortdatestring()); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@loggedintime", datetime.now.tostring("hh:mm")); cmd.executenonquery(); mycon.close(); } else messagebox.show("login falied"); } } mycon.close(); mycon.close();
you don't have condition in update
query, update records in table. add condition update single record. don't know have in table, this:
cmd.commandtext = "update [loginlogtable] set [loggedindate] = ?, [loggedintime] = ? username = ?"; cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("loggedindate", datetime.now.toshortdatestring()); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("loggedintime", datetime.now.tostring("hh:mm")); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("username", txtusername.text);
you should close , dispose first data reader , command before executing second command.
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