ios - changing color from white to transparent - UIImage -
i have image white lines. need change white colors in image transparent. found solutions in obj-c, doesn't work. in image yellow , red colors too.
my code:
let rawimageref: cgimageref = image.cgimage! let colormasking: [cgfloat] = [222, 255, 222, 255, 222, 255] uigraphicsbeginimagecontext(image.size); let maskedimageref=cgimagecreatewithmaskingcolors(rawimageref, colormasking); cgcontexttranslatectm(uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext(), 0.0, image.size.height); cgcontextscalectm(uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext(), 1.0, -1.0); cgcontextdrawimage(uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext(), cgrectmake(0, 0, image.size.width, image.size.height), maskedimageref); let result = uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext(); uigraphicsendimagecontext(); self.controlview.image = result!
but don't see - image clear (probably).
what doing wrong, please? thank you
added code before create rawimagereg:
image = uiimage(data: uiimagejpegrepresentation(image, 1.0)!)!
thank you
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