jquery - Override KendoUI Autocomplete selected value -
how override function takes value selected or typed in user , puts triggering input?
e.g. datasource is:
[ { id: 1, name: "tim" }, { id: 2, name: "bob" } ]
i want autocomplete return:
<span class="my-class">tim</span>
instead of tim
i using editor cell in kendoui grid once cell no longer being edited html so:
<td role="gridcell"><span class="my-class">tim</span></td>
here editor grid column:
function partnumberscanner(container, options) { partid = options.model.id; var autoc = $('<input class="k-input data-value-field="id" k-textbox part-sniffer" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>') autoc.appendto(container); autoc.kendoautocomplete({ datatextfield: "idealform", datavaluefield: "id", delay: 50, datasource: { serverfiltering: true, transport: { read: { url: root+"part/fetch-parts", type: "post", datatype: "json" } }, error: function(e) { alert(e.errorthrown+"\n"+e.status+"\n"+e.xhr.responsetext) ; }, schema: { id: "id", idealform: "idealform", manufacturer: "manufacturer" } }, minlength: 5, filter: "contains", placeholder: "start typing...", //template: '#= "<li class=\'k-item\' role=\'option\' data-manufacturer=\'"+manufacturer+"\'>"+idealform+"</li>" #', select: function(e) { matchedpartdata = this.dataitem(e.item.index()); manufacturer = matchedpartdata.manufacturer; }, change: function(e) { // selectedpart = this.value(); $.each(partdata, function(i, v){ if(partid == v.id) { targetid = ; return false } }) partdata[targetid].manufacturer = manufacturer; grid.datasource.sync(); } }); }
the problem change
callback called while cell still in edit mode, need alter value returned change
i making user types in part number, , if parts found starting user has typed, shown in autocomplete , can selected.
once value has been typed , grid cell leaves edit mode, bootstrap popover needs placed on value in cell.
hope have explained enough.
i tried earlier still couldn't work. have:
template: "<span data-content=''>#= partnumber #</span>"
what need happen once selection made, ajax call made brings data gets put data-content attr of cell.
change: function(e) { ... options.model.set(options.field, '<span class="part-intel">'+this.value()+'</span>'); grid.datasource.sync(); $.ajax({ url: root+'part/partanalysis', async: false, success: function(data) { element = container.find('span.part-intel'); /*element.popover({ html: true, content: data })*/ alert(element.html()) // shows undefined // element.popover('show'); } }) })
for setting value should use value
function. doing inside change
event handler is:
change: function(e) { e.sender.value("new value"); }
edit since in case have access row model since in editor function partnumberscanner
receive in options
can do:
change: function(e) { options.model.set(options.field, "new value"); }
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