ios - RXSwift How to create wrapper for delegate method with return value -
i have wrapper delegate in rxswift
func tableview(tableview: uitableview,movedrowatindexpath sourceindexpath: nsindexpath,toindexrowpath destinationrowindexpath: nsindexpath)
and looks
public var rx_itemrowmoved: controlevent<itemmovedevent> { let source: observable<itemmovedevent> = rx_delegate.observe("tableview:movedrowatindexpath:toindexrowpath:") .map { in return ((a[1] as! nsindexpath), (a[2] as! nsindexpath)) } return controlevent(events: source) }
but have delegate return value
func selectionviewfortableview(tableview: uitableview,destinitioncell cell:uitableviewcell,toindexrowpath destinationrowindexpath: nsindexpath) -> uiview
how can implement wrapper delegate ?
there no way this. can implement method in delegate owner directly. can refer cellfactory
of rxtableviewreactivearraydatasource
. change method block.
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