How can I show a message after uninstalling a WiX Burn bundle? -
how can add message uninstalled page of burn bundle?
i using hyperlinksidebarlicense
of wix standard bootstrapper application , use copy of default theme (at src\ext\balextension\wixstdba\resources\hyperlinksidebartheme.xml
<bootstrapperapplicationref id="wixstandardbootstrapperapplication.hyperlinksidebarlicense"> <bal:wixstandardbootstrapperapplication licenseurl="" themefile="theme.xml" localizationfile="theme.wxl" /> </bootstrapperapplicationref>
i modified success
page adding text
<page name="success"> ... <text name="successuninstallmessage" x="185" y="110" width="-11" height="40" fontid="3" hidewhendisabled="yes" disableprefix="yes">#(loc.successmessage)</text> ... </page>
however modified success
page shown during installation (in addition uninstall), don't want.
how can show message during uninstall on success
that's not supported in wixstdba in wix v3.x. wixstdba has code show different messages based on action , header text (successheader, successinstallheader, successrepairheader, , successuninstallheader).
in wix v4.0 (not yet in beta), themes can conditionally control text shown without requiring supporting code in wixstdba:
<label x="0" y="250" width="-0" height="20" fontid="1" center="yes"> <text condition="wixbundleaction = 5">#(loc.successinstallmessage)</text> <text condition="wixbundleaction = 6">#(loc.successinstallmessage)</text> <text condition="wixbundleaction = 7">#(loc.successrepairmessage)</text> <text condition="wixbundleaction = 3">#(loc.successuninstallmessage)</text> </label>
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