PHP/MYSQL Inline editing after type password -

i want create simple cms allow editing site in place (inline editing).

what i've done:

  1. login panel on php , mysql
  2. editing page inline editor bootstrap wyswihtml5
  3. fully working saving , reading mysql via wyswihtml5

but, have site read tables mysql normal user. , second mirror site first added bootstrap wyswihtml5, admin can change content of site first.

so annoyingly must have mirrored site... have idea if go url:, have login forms. if password correct redirect first (and one) page, value.

on site if function , if logged editor enabled.

it's simple write here that, have no idea how that. maybe more experienced members of stackoverflow me.

why not implement login check php ?

save login-state in php $_session variable after login.

check variable on regular website. if admin logged in print out html code wysiwyg, make page redirect, or whatever prefer.

read this:


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