iphone - Draw rectangle on touch in iOS subview -
i'm trying port sudoku app created in cocoa on ios, , i'm having trouble translating mousedown events had in mac app touchbegan events on ios.
i have subview created in parent view has grid drawn , initial values of sudoku game in place. whenever try tap on empty square in simulator update value, console gives me these errors:
mar 24 14:59:56 macintosh-94.local sudokios[95817] <error>: cgcontextsetfillcolorwithcolor: invalid context 0x0 mar 24 14:59:56 macintosh-94.local sudokios[95817] <error>: cgcontextsavegstate: invalid context 0x0 mar 24 14:59:56 macintosh-94.local sudokios[95817] <error>: cgcontextsetflatness: invalid context 0x0 mar 24 14:59:56 macintosh-94.local sudokios[95817] <error>: cgcontextaddpath: invalid context 0x0 mar 24 14:59:56 macintosh-94.local sudokios[95817] <error>: cgcontextdrawpath: invalid context 0x0 mar 24 14:59:56 macintosh-94.local sudokios[95817] <error>: cgcontextrestoregstate: invalid context 0x0
here (working) code mac app:
//sudokuview.m -(void)paintselectionrectangle { cgfloat thirdwidth = self.bounds.size.width / 3.0; cgfloat thirdheight = self.bounds.size.height / 3.0; cgfloat ninthwidth = thirdwidth / 3.0; cgfloat ninthheight = thirdheight / 3.0; nsrect selectionrect = nsmakerect(_selectioncellx * thirdwidth + _selectionx * ninthwidth, _selectioncelly * thirdheight + _selectiony * ninthheight, ninthwidth, ninthheight); nscolor* selectioncolor = [nscolor colorwithsrgbred: 0.0 green: 0.0 blue: 1.0 alpha: 0.5]; [selectioncolor setfill]; nsbezierpath* selectionpath = [nsbezierpath bezierpathwithroundedrect: selectionrect xradius: ( ninthwidth / 4.0 ) yradius: ( ninthheight / 4.0 )]; [selectionpath fill]; } - (void)drawrect:(nsrect)dirtyrect { ... if(_haveselection) { [self paintselectionrectangle]; } ... } . . . -(void)mousedown:(nsevent *)event { nspoint location = [event locationinwindow]; cgfloat thirds = self.bounds.size.width / 3; cgfloat ninths = thirds / 3; _selectioncellx = (uint32)(location.x/thirds); _selectioncelly = (uint32)(location.y/thirds); _selectionx = (uint32)((location.x - (_selectioncellx * thirds)) / ninths); _selectiony = (uint32)((location.y - (_selectioncelly * thirds)) / ninths); _haveselection = yes; if ([self._windowcontroller isoriginalvalueatcellx:_selectioncellx andcelly:_selectioncelly xindex:_selectionx yindex:_selectiony] == no) { _haveselection = yes; } else { _haveselection = no; } [self setneedsdisplay:yes]; }
and not working in ios app
//sudokiosviewcontroller.m -(void)touchesbegan:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event{ uitouch* touch = [[event alltouches] anyobject]; cgpoint location = [touch locationinview:self.sudokusubview]; cgfloat thirds = sudokusubview.bounds.size.width / 3; cgfloat ninths = thirds / 3; _selectioncellx = (uint32)(location.x/thirds); _selectioncelly = (uint32)(location.y/thirds); _selectionx = (uint32)((location.x - (_selectioncellx * thirds)) / ninths); _selectiony = (uint32)((location.y - (_selectioncelly * thirds)) / ninths); _haveselection = yes; if ([ourview._ourviewcontroller isoriginalvalueatcellx:_selectioncellx andcelly:_selectioncelly xindex:_selectionx yindex:_selectiony] == no) { _haveselection = yes; } else { _haveselection = no; } } -(void)touchesended:(nsset *)touches withevent:(uievent *)event { [self touchesbegan:touches withevent:event]; [sudokusubview setneedsdisplay]; [self paintselectionrectangle]; }
i'm having difficult time understanding whether should using touchbegan , touchended or uigesturerecognizer. don't understand why cgcontext being called. on appreciated. thanks!
update: mrueg suggested, here ios code paintselectionrectangle
-(void)paintselectionrectangle { cgfloat thirdwidth = self.bounds.size.width / 3.0; cgfloat thirdheight = self.bounds.size.height / 3.0; cgfloat ninthwidth = thirdwidth / 3.0; cgfloat ninthheight = thirdheight / 3.0; cgrect selectionrect = cgrectmake(_selectioncellx * thirdwidth + _selectionx * ninthwidth, _selectioncelly * thirdheight + _selectiony * ninthheight, ninthwidth, ninthheight); uicolor* selectioncolor = [uicolor colorwithred:0.0 green:0.0 blue:1.0 alpha:0.5]; [selectioncolor setfill]; uibezierpath* selectionpath = [uibezierpath bezierpathwithroundedrect:selectionrect cornerradius:(ninthwidth/4.0)]; [selectionpath fill]; }
you should not call paintselectionrectangle
in touchesended:withevent:
. method drawing operations , don't have graphics context there. send setneedsdisplay
views need redraw.
also think calling touchesbegan:withevent:
manually bad idea.
edit: took closer @ code , try achieve. create uiview subclass draws selection rectangle. fill whole bounds bezier path:
-(void)drawrect:(cgrect)rect { uicolor* selectioncolor = [uicolor colorwithred:0.0 green:0.0 blue:1.0 alpha:0.5]; [selectioncolor setfill]; cgrect roundedrect = self.bounds; cgfloat cornerradius = self.bounds.size.width / 36; uibezierpath* selectionpath = [uibezierpath bezierpathwithroundedrect:roundedrect cornerradius:cornerradius]; [selectionpath fill]; }
add instance of view main view , set hidden
property yes.
in touchesended:withevent:
determine selection rectangle, set frame of selection view , set hidden
no, if detected selection:
cgrect selectionrect = cgrectmake(_selectioncellx * thirdwidth + _selectionx * ninthwidth, _selectioncelly * thirdheight + _selectiony * ninthheight, ninthwidth, ninthheight); [selectionsubview setframe: selectionrect]; [selectionsubview sethidden: !_haveselection];
if can animate frame change using coreanimation.
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