Stack guard exception while using OpenCV for java in eclipse- ubuntu 15.04 -

i have installed opencv 3.0.1 in ubuntu 15.04.trying develop program image keypoint detection. here java code error occurs:

system.loadlibrary(core.native_library_name); mat blurredimage = new mat(); 

when compile in eclipse generates warning openjdk 64-bit server vm warning: have loaded library opencv-3.1.0/build/lib/ might have disabled stack guard. vm try fix stack guard now. it's highly recommended fix library 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link '-z noexecstack'.

when try use mat object shown above gives me error:

exception in thread "main" java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: org.opencv.core.mat.n_mat()j     @ org.opencv.core.mat.n_mat(native method)     @ org.opencv.core.mat.<init>( 

can how fix it?


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