Constructor Parameters Via Java Reflection -
i using reflection in java. can please have constructor parameter names , values?
here code:
public string getconstructors(class aclass) { stringbuilder classconstructors = new stringbuilder(); constructor[] constructors = aclass.getconstructors(); string separator = system.getproperty( "line.separator" ); (constructor c: constructors) { boolean ispublic = modifier.ispublic(c.getmodifiers()); class[] parametertypes = c.getparametertypes(); (class pt : parametertypes) { system.out.println(pt.getname()); //field[] fields = pt.getdeclaredfields(); //for (field f : fields) //{ //system.out.println(f.gettype()); //} } } return classconstructors.tostring();
the constructor testing has following parameters:
string name, int diameter
the system.out.println(pt.getname());
line of code printing out following:
java.lang.string int
is possible type , name of each of parameters?
you have types, , there's no way names (since they're not preserved part of bytecodes).
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