python - Raspberry Pi, ON turns the GPIO output off? -

for reason i'm having problems turning on , off outputs programs. if use following output turns on / off correctly

import rpi.gpio gpio gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) gpio.setup(2, gpio.out) gpio.output(2, 1) time.sleep(2)         gpio.output(2, 0)  

but reason fish tank lighting program gpio.output(2, 0) (or false) turns relay on!? , same inverse

here program have called output incorrectly?

# lighting program ---  import rpi.gpio gpio import datetime import time  gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) gpio.setup(2, gpio.out)  # lights  #declair lighting on/off times on_time_monday = open("monday_on.txt", 'r').read() off_time_monday = open("monday_off.txt", 'r').read()  on_time_tuesday = open("tuesday_on.txt", 'r').read() off_time_tuesday = open("tuesday_off.txt", 'r').read()  on_time_wednesday = open("wednesday_on.txt", 'r').read() off_time_wednesday = open("wednesday_off.txt", 'r').read()  on_time_thursday = open("thursday_on.txt", 'r').read() off_time_thursday = open("thursday_off.txt", 'r').read()  on_time_friday = open("friday_on.txt", 'r').read() off_time_friday = open("friday_off.txt", 'r').read()  on_time_saturday = open("saturday_on.txt", 'r').read() off_time_saturday = open("saturday_off.txt", 'r').read()  on_time_sunday = open("sunday_on.txt", 'r').read() off_time_sunday = open("sunday_off.txt", 'r').read()  #find out day of week day = day_of_week = day.isoweekday()  #find out time current_time = datetime.datetime.strftime(,'%h%m')  #schedule on / off if (day_of_week == 1) , (current_time > on_time_monday , current_time < off_time_monday) :     light_on_off = 1 elif (day_of_week == 2) , (current_time > on_time_tuesday , current_time < off_time_tuesday) :     light_on_off = 1 elif (day_of_week == 3) , (current_time > on_time_wednesday , current_time < off_time_wednesday) :     light_on_off = 1 elif (day_of_week == 4) , (current_time > on_time_thursday , current_time < off_time_thursday) :     light_on_off = 1 elif (day_of_week == 5) , (current_time > on_time_friday , current_time < off_time_friday) :     light_on_off = 1 elif (day_of_week == 6) , (current_time > on_time_saturday , current_time < off_time_saturday) :     light_on_off = 1 elif (day_of_week == 7) , (current_time > on_time_sunday , current_time < off_time_sunday) :     light_on_off = 1 else :     light_on_off = 0  #    call outputs on / off if light_on_off == 1:     gpio.output(2, 0)     print(light_on_off, "_high_") else:     gpio.output(2, 1)     print(light_on_off, "_low_") 


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