excel - Avoid empty cells on CSV export for varying row lenght -
my rows not have same lenght , need avoid "blanks" in between when export csv. example, when export this
1 2 3 4 5
1 2
1 3 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
i this:
and need remove seperators empty cells between. running macro export csv, best if "delete" empty cells in beginning of this.
this small macro will:
- avoid creating empty csv records corresponding empty excel rows
- avoid trailing commas
option explicit sub csv_makerr() dim r range dim sout string, k long, m long dim n long, nfirstrow long, nlastrow long dim myfilepath string, myfilename string dim fs, a, mm long dim separator string activesheet.usedrange set r = activesheet.usedrange nlastrow = r.rows.count + r.row - 1 nfirstrow = r.row separator = "," myfilepath = "c:\testfolder\" myfilename = "whatever" set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set = fs.createtextfile(myfilepath & myfilename & ".csv", true) n = nfirstrow nlastrow k = application.worksheetfunction.counta(cells(n, 1).entirerow) sout = "" if k = 0 else m = cells(n, columns.count).end(xltoleft).column mm = 1 m sout = sout & cells(n, mm).text & separator next mm sout = left(sout, len(sout) - 1) a.writeline (sout) end if next a.close end sub
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