Vim mapping to surround word with a character -
in vimrc file have following entry surround word '+':
:nnoremap <silent> q+ wbi+<esc>ea+<esc>
i change surround word other symbol, example quote, not use plugin or insert 1 more map. in vimrc:
:nnoremap <silent> qx wbix<esc>eax<esc>
where x character put around word.
how can done in vim?
the general idea:
:nnoremap q :let c=nr2char(getchar())\|:exec "normal wbi".c."\eea".c."\e"<cr>
but don't think q
choice, example quotes, because q
starts extremely handy recording feature vim. normal q
command expect second character (the recording target register) , can "
. quite confusing when you're on computer or if else using vim. should preprend leader q
. leader:
:nnoremap <leader>q :let c=nr2char(getchar())\|:exec "normal wbi".c."\eea".c."\e"<cr>
the default leader value \
, can changed. note had changed before defining mapping. can see configured leader let mapleader
(which prints error message if there's no leader configured). these statements,
:let mapleader=',' :nnoremap <leader>q :let c=nr2char(getchar())\|:exec "normal wbi".c."\eea".c."\e"<cr>
you can type ,q+
surround word +
, ,q"
in order surround word "
by way: mapping doesn't work if cursor on last character on line. change mapping to:
:nnoremap <leader>q :let c=nr2char(getchar())\|:exec "normal viwo\ei".c."\eea".c."\e"<cr>
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