ios - Xcode build issue with Jenkins job -
i building ios app , generating .app file in following 2 ways:
- using xcode in machine
- jenkins job set up
in jenkins script, using command xcodebuild -configuration "$configs"
generate build. configs set 1 of project configuration. locally, building scheme linked same configuration.
problem: .app generated jenkins build crashes launch app on ios 8.4.1; works on ios versions 7.x. build generated local xcode works fine on supported ios versions.
diagnosis: on further troubleshooting , build size comparison found size of exec file inside .app file jenkins half size of file generated local machine.
anyone has idea on why there size difference in executable files?
as suspected, architecture missing in app.
check xcode configuration used jenkins, build settings build active architecture only
on no, , valid architecture
contains needed architecture (arm64 , armv7).
if need change something, take care of debug vs. release thing -- default, building on mac yields debug build; may not same on jenkins job.
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