javascript - Woo commerce / storefront - overriding storefront's checkout js file -

on woo commerce / storefront checkout page there 2 checkout.min.js files included: first woo commerce's own , there's second 1 storefront. note both these files executed, 1 doesn't 'override' other.

i can figure out woo commerce checkout.min.js file included page , how override one. can't understand how override storefront js file can't find included site.

ideally i'd remove altogether functionality includes, namely fixing position of payment box on full-width checkout layout, seems buggy. can see bug visiting using desktop browser short , wide window, going checkout page, scrolling down. payment box rides on footer.

i don't see bugs you're referring on chrome...but can "dequeue" scripts wp_dequeue_script() , enqueue own.

function dequeue_wc_scripts() {     wp_dequeue_script( 'wc-checkout' ); } add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'dequeue_wc_scripts', 100 ); 

you'll need search theme "handle" you'll need deregister second set of checkout scripts.


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