clojure - Accessing defrecord methods in ClojureScript Figwheel -

i have code in cljc files compiles both clojure , clojurescript.

in protocols.cljc

(defprotocol transformable ".."      (scale [this scalar] "" ) ...) 

in pattern.cljc

(defrecord apattern [paths]     transformable       (scale [this s] (...)) ...) 

in another.cljc

(defn f [pattern] (.scale pattern (/ 1 2)) ) 

and in core.cljs

(another/f pattern) 

however, i'm getting error on browser console

typeerror: pattern.scale not function 

checking fields of pattern object in core.cljs (using js-keys) shows me object has called


which looks function. doing wrong access in clojurescript? . notation not work? need else?

calls protocol functions calls other function. f function should like:

(require 'protocols) (defn f [pattern] (protocols/scale pattern (/ 1 2)) ) 


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